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You walking in the halls at mercy- grace hospital, you didn't understand why you threw up. Did I eat something that I wasn't supposed to? Was it what mark and I ate last night? No, that can't be it because mark didn't throw up! Then what is it? Oh well I'll figure that out later!
You walk up to mark who is talking to callie.
" Hey Y/n" callie says putting her chart over the counter
" Hey call" you say hugging mark from behind
" Well this is my cue to leave" callie says walking away
" How's my beautiful princess" mark says facing you now
" She's amazing but she has a question for you" you say looking into his eyes
" Oh she's talking talking about herself in third person" mark says smiling down at you
" Mark I'm being serious" you say to your husband standing over you
" Okay okay go" mark says laughing
" Did you throw up after you ate the food from last night?" You asks kinda nervous what his response would be
" No, why? Is everything okay?" Mark asks with a concern
" No everything's fine, just wondering" you lie
" Okay good I was worried" mark says hugging you
" Ok love birds don't you have surgeries to preform" richard says coming down the stairs
" Nope not until" you began looking at your wrist
" 3:30" you say looking up at from your wrist to Richard
" 1. You don't even have a watch 2. It's 3:15 " richard says looking at mark
" Oh shit I got to go I'll talk to You later" you say pecking mark on the lips then running to the OR.
" Look who finally decided to show up" arizona says
" Sorry I lost track off time" you says slipping on your gloves
" Let's began" arizona says
" It's a beautiful day to save life's" derek says
" Give me a 10 blade scalpel" derek asks one of the nurses

* After surgery*

Your walking into the store because you were craving chocolate. You walk past the pregnancy test isle. Could I be pregnant? No there's no way? I could be let me get a test just in case. You walk over to the pregnancy tests and find a digital one so you pick it up, you go to the chocolate isle and get a hole bunch of hershey bars.
" Will this be it for you ma'am" the cashier asks
" Yes thank you" you say putting your card back in your bag
" Have a good day" the cashier says
" Same with you" you say back

* At marks and your place*

You run to the bathroom and grab the pregnancy test. Do I want it to be positive? What if mark doesn't want another baby right now? How's meredith going to act when I tell her? OMG lexie she'll hate me! Did I really take mark from her?? No she's dating jackson now she doesn't mind! Yeah she doesn't mind! Your cut of from your thoughts when your timer goes off, you look and it says positive. Oh God I'm pregnant! IM PREGNANT!
" Honey are you home" mark asks opening the door
" Yeah I'm in the bathroom" you reply back
" Are you okay" mark says from the other side of the door
" Yeah, yeah" you say with a smile
" I brought chinese food, got lo mein noodles your favorite" mark says walking way
" LO MEIN" you yell forgetting the pregnancy test was still in your hand
" Hey what that in you hand" mark asks
" Oh this isn't important right now" you say putting the test behind your back. Mark begans to walk to you and takes the test out of your hands
" Hey give that back" you say trying to jump and get the test out his hands
" Your pregnant" mark asks getting tears in his eyes
" Yes" you say looking down
" We're having a baby" mark says
He walks into the hall and knocks on Arizona and callie's door
" Hey love birds what's up" arizona asks
Mark just walks in and grabs sophia out of callie's hand
" Hey I was playing with her" callie says annoyed
" Your going to be a big sister" mark says gaining a giggle from sophia
" WERE HAVING A BABY" Mark yells so the whole world can hear
" What your pregnant" arizona says coming over to you
" Yep" you say gaining a group hug from the whole house
" I'm going to be a aunt" both callie and arizona say happier than you and mark
" I'm having a baby with Mark Sloan" you say looking up at him
" Yes you are Mrs.Sloan now you can never leave" mark says wrapping his arms around you
" I was never going to leave" you say laying your head on his shoulder
" Good" mark says
" Good" you say

* Ok and that's a wrap thank you guys so much for 1.3k views it means so much also I hoped you like this little story about mark sloan because I definitely did*
Word count: 830

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