" no I will not marry you"| A.r

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Description in one sentence: you have a crush on Arizona but you still think she loves callie eventhough callie's dating that redheaded girl

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Description in one sentence: you have a crush on Arizona but you still think she loves callie eventhough callie's dating that redheaded girl.

You work in peds with Alex and Arizona. Callie moved on to that redheaded girl who killed derek shepherd but that's a story for
different time.
" Hey arizona any kids" you asks Arizona
" No, but I was just coming to get you I have a question" Arizona asks looking at her hands
" Yes Arizona what do you need" you ask looking in her eyes
" I was wondering if we can go on a date sometime" Arizona asks looking at you
" On- call room 5 minutes be there" you say walking away.

OoOoOoO 5 minutes later

The door opens and closes, then locks. Arizona starts taking off her clothes. Starting with her lab coat, to her scrubs, so that's she's only in her undergarments. You get up and start kissing her.
" You don't understand how long I've been waiting for this" Arizona says in-between kisses
" Shut up and kiss me" You say pushing her against the door.
You start slowly taking off your clothes knowing damn well she's looking at you. She pushes you on the bed and starts kissing your thighs. She gets to your core and takes off your underwear she looks up at you for consent, you nod she starts to eat you out. You moan nd throw your head back.

OoOoOo 3 hours later

" That was great we should do that more often" Arizona says while walking down the hall spotting callie and redhead
" No I will not marry you Arizona" you say walking past callie and redhead
She stops and kisses you right infront of callie and everybody else.
" So you guys dating now" callie asks looking at y'all.
" No we're getting married" Arizona says
You guys walk away and laugh.

A/n- I don't really like callie at the moment because she chose that bitch over her friends so yeah. Hope y'all like this one ever though it's not that good have a good day❤️

Word count: 348

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