" I have to go find him mer"| D.S

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" do you know where derek is" you ask meridith and Christina walking down the hall
" No, but why is it so quite" meredith asks looking around
" Yeah I was thinking the same thing that's weird it's never that quite even when someone's in surgery" christina says
" What are you guys still doing in the hall get in the closet" Derek's says pushing you, mer, and Christina in
" Derek was going on" you ask your almost husband
" There's a shooter in the hospital" Derek's looking out the door
" Stay here okay" derek says
" Wait der-" you were starting but by the time you said derek he was already gone

* A few hours later*

" I have to go find him mer" you sad pacing around
" I swear if you don't stop I'll make sure you don't see derek again" christina says madly
" Christina" meridith says obviously annoyed
" Sorry Y/n" christina says
" I have to go" you say walking out the door
" Y/N WAit were coming with you we can lose you it will just be the golden 2" mer says
" Wait that sound low-key good" christina says catching up with y'all
" Christina" mer says elbowing christina
" Sorry" christina says

*Meanwhile in baileys pov*

" I'm a nurse not a doctor" you say to Gary
" Okay okay" Gary says
He begans to walk to the bathroom and stops at the door to open it
" Stop stop please " charles Percy says

* Insert gun shot sounds*

Gary walks out of the bathroom with the gun in his hand
" Sorry for all the mess" Gary says walking out the bathroom
You walk into the bathroom and see charles nearly dead
" Charles I'm going to go get the patient you need to stay here and NOT move" you say walking into the room

*Back with you,mer, and Christina*

" DEREK DEREK NOOOOOOO" you yell watching derek fall on the floor after gary shot him
" Y/n he's going to be okay I promise " christina says
You run to derek and try to stop the bleeding
" We have to get him to a OR right now" Christina says

* In the OR*

" Stop working on him right now" gary yells at christina
" Gary just calm down" Owen says trying to calm gary down

* Pow*

Owen gets shot, christina is crying trying to stop derek from bleeding
" STOP " gary yells
" Okay okay" christina says

* I know this one isn't that good but I tried I hope y'all liked this one love you guys 💞😘*

* Not me trying to make myself feel better because I know this shit sucks*

               Word count: 434

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