I Can't Be Mad Over An Accident

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Shorter Chapter

George didn't move from the couch. He was in slight shock about everything, did he really kill this man's father? He put Dream into the same pain George went through, and that made George feel horrible. He couldn't even think back to when he found out his fiancé died, he felt like he lost himself right there. George wasn't sure if the old him ever came back, it might've died right there with her.

George has always felt horrible, even though he didn't know the 2nd person that died in that accident, it hurt him more than losing his fiancé. He couldn't explain it but the thought of him killing someone's family member, he couldn't imagine how broken Dream's whole family was. He would forever regret going out that night. He knew it wasn't particularly his fault, it was more so the motorcyclist but of course George still blamed himself.

If Dream was still telling the truth about Techno and the others, would Dream even protect him anymore? If he did, would Dream ever forgive him? He hurt the one person that he thought was going to be his best friend. He thought he sensed that on the dance floor, his senses were all wrong.

George eventually stopped crying, it wasn't long until he fell asleep. George's mind wandered in his sleep, like it was thinking of a dream for him. A dream eventually came.



"I'm getting married!" The girl next to him shouted out the window, her face was bright and beamed of happiness. George couldn't help his eyes, they kept wandering to the beautiful girl he would be spending the rest of his life with. He couldn't have been more lucky, she was an actual angel. She was just perfect.

"No, no you're getting it all wrong." George teased, the girl looked at him a bit confused.

"We're getting married!" George yelled, the girl laughed and rested her hand on top of his. This was love.

George stopped at the light, it seemed like forever until it finally turned green. The girl clapped when it did, George celebrated the light changing with her. He started moving again, almost passing the light before he slammed on his breaks. A motorcycle sped in front of him, phew he dodged it.


Everything went black, the car flipped to its side. He soon woke up to flashing lights, he was still in his seatbelt basically upside down. His head was aching horribly, he couldn't comprehend what happened. He dodged the motorcycle then, ...then what? He looked over to make sure his girl was okay. She seemed to be still unconscious, blood rain down her face.

"Oh honey, it's going to be ok." George managed to get words out, he could hear many people outside the car. He reached his hand over to wipe the blood off her face, she was already cold. It had to just be the weather outside, she would be fine. She would be fine, she would be fine. George noticed himself repeating those words over and over, hoping it would come true.

Suddenly George was being pulled out of the car. They immediately lifted him up onto a stretcher.

"Wait, my fiancé. Please, she's hurt." He was freaking out, he saw no one going towards the car to help her. They were all focused on him.

"Please. Please, you don't understand." George tried to move, he was pushed down by one of the people dragging him into the ambulance.

"Calm down sir, we will get her." That sort of relaxed him, this would be over soon and they could go back to their normal life. They just had to heal first.

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