All Platonic?

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It's been 6 months..and a lot, but not a lot has happened.

George and Dream had continued living with each other, and Dream let George see Sapnap as much as he wanted. George had got closer with the others, mostly Alex/Quackity or Big Q as Tommy would call him, and closer with Karl. He talked with Tommy sometimes, but since Tommy was a huge dick he didn't do it much.

Dream and George ran into Technoblade many, many, many times. Still, they were never killed, or close to being killed. Techno still held his pattern and now George had 4 scars on his neck, arms, legs, and chest. Dream stood with no new scars, and just the pain of watching George get cut knowing he couldn't do anything.

Dream and George got extremely close, they were barely ever apart. They never spoke about the past after the night on the balcony, and it was peaceful now. George still has not seen Dream's face, nor his real name, but he was honestly fine with it. Sometimes in the middle of the night he would wake up to humming, when he looked in the kitchen he saw his tall friend with no mask always making some sort of food. He never got a good view, the most he saw was his side profile but it was so dark he couldn't even tell the difference from him having the mask on, also he would always force himself to look away so he didn't disrespect his friends privacy.

George could even say him and Dream were closer than him and Nick, it was just a different, stronger bond. Dream would always "flirt" with George as a joke, as friends, nothing more. George would always get flustered since he was not used to getting flirted with and then get laughed at by Dream.

George had a new nickname for Dream, it was pissbaby. One day when he was laughing extremely hard at George for face planting into the concrete when he tripped over his own feet Dream literally pissed himself. Of course the great friend George is, he never let Dream live that down. Dream always got super mad when he was called pissbaby, but always laughed along with it.

George was finally let in on what happened with Karl and Nick in the room a few days after the sleepover.


6 months ago**

"Ok let it out Nick, what happened in the room? It's been days now, I'm your best friend tell me." George pleaded.

"Fineee you're so annoying, you've been bugging me about it for days now so fine." George let out a little cheer since he finally won the fight. Nick sighed.

"It wasn't that big of a deal, basically all that happened is when we went in there we sat on the bed and both ranted about how annoying you two were." George looked at Nick trying to look offended. "Anyways like two minutes passed and I couldn't do it anymore so I pulled him into a kiss..he kissed back..and yeah. I knew he liked me so then we kind of just chatted how long we had liked each other. He told me a few months, so I didn't want to sound stupid saying 3 years so I just said same." George shook his head at Nick's last sentence, he shouldn't be embarrassed about that, Karl probably would've thought it was cute.

"Cute." George responded smirking at Nick.

"Shut it."


Nick and Karl were also never apart, they didn't live together though. Mostly Karl was at Nick's place, but sometimes Karl stayed at his place and Nick visited him. Apparently they were just dating, not in an actual relationship. So like a month into "dating" Sapnap finally asked Karl to be his boyfriend and it's been going smoothly for 5 months.

George and Dream haven't been really interested in any of the girls that crowded around them when they went to clubs. Dream sometimes flirted with the more interesting ones, and George sat there and watched. George wasn't sure how to flirt, neither did he have the confidence to. Sometimes when George was deep in thought Dream swept him off his feet onto the dance floor. Dream would spin George around, they would laugh, hips moving in sync, smiles brighter than the sun, it was just perfect.

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