Back To The Beach

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Back To The Beach: 1761 Words

George decided to return home with Dream. He was sort of mad at himself, he didn't understand why he gave in so easily. He just felt drawn to him, like he was always supposed to be by his side.

Dream was now being so nice, trying to keep George with him. He acted like if he said one thing wrong, it would be over forever. George noticed. Dream threw compliments, thank you's, sorry's, at George, it kind of made George feel bad.

Once they finally arrived home, Dream led them straight to the kitchen.

"What are you hungry for? Anything sound good?" Dream opened the fridge, gazing over food and drinks.

"Dream." George crossed his arms, staring at the back of the figure in front of him. Dream hummed a "hm?"

"You don't have to try so hard, I already forgave you." Dream turned around and stared back at George. George hated so much, so much that he couldn't see what feeling behind his mask the face held. He wanted to see who was behind there, who was hiding away from the world. Many times over the past few months he has seen small glimpses, he thought once that Dream had freckles, but he couldn't be sure. Right as Dream was about to speak George cut him off.

"Why can't I see?" George questions, walking closer to the figure. Did he really know a man if he didn't even know his face?

"See...? See what?" Dream questioned as the smaller man walked closer, eyes focused on his "face." George took in a large breath, releasing it slowly.

"Behind the mask, your face. It's been what, six, seven months? Why?" George's hand reached up, about to touch the round plastic, until a hand grabbed his wrist.

"George, please don't. Not now." Dream put George's hand away from his face, turning back around to get away from the look of the smaller figure.

"But why?" George pressed on.

"Let's go to the beach tonight, like the "old" days." Dream changed the subject, knowing this would perk interest in his friend. They'd never spoken about it before, so it was a great subject to pull all other thoughts out of his mind.


"Beach, remember? Like where we would go and listen to music, watch the stars, sometimes fall asleep on? I miss it, it would be nice." Dream closed the fridge door, flashing a smile at George. George simply nodded, walking away. Dream assumed it was to go get ready.

Not too much longer, George was sitting on the couch waiting for Dream to finish getting ready. Soon enough, both were in the car, windows down, music loud, and a relaxing silence between the two. It was already nine o'clock, small balls of light scattered across the blank dark frame of the sky. The bigger light, a more yellowish color, full moon, shined brighter than all the rest, giving little light to the city below. George rested his head back, thinking about how his life ended up like this. The wind blew by fast, it was cold, the air seemed to be more like that lately in Florida. It made George miss the UK sometimes, his family, childhood friends, all of it. Then again, he had Nick, Dream, and everyone else that he had met in the past few years of living here.

The wind seemed to howl, bringing George out of his thoughts. He stared up at the moon, knowing the beach was getting closer, and he would be laying down on the sand before he knew it. New thoughts crossed his mind. He had been so open with Dream, he wouldn't have been surprised if he could answer every single question about him, some questions that he didn't even think he could answer himself. Dream seemed to know him better than anyone, he figured out George right away, knew everything. It sometimes frightened George knowing he didn't even know himself as good as Dream did. But...why was he so open with someone he barely knew. Yeah, he "knew" Dream, some parts of his life, friends, and hobbies..but he didn't truly "know" him. He felt like he was missing something big, maybe his face, but something bigger. Dream was a whole mystery.

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