Want Him Back

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George and Nick's ride home was completely silent when it came to talking, but not awkward.. The only thing making the car ride not completely quiet was the light tune coming from the radio. There wasn't anything wrong with both of them, they just had nothing to say. Both of their minds full of different people.

They arrived back at the Orlando Suit, even the walk inside, in the elevator, and all the way to the door was silent. George couldn't tell what Nick was thinking, but his mind was completely occupied. George typed in the key on the lock pad, a green light appeared with a small beep signaling it worked. They walked inside.

"Hey Nick, what's on your mind?" George questioned, locking the door.

"A lot." Nick's response was short, like he didn't have time to speak.

"Let's sit down Sap, can we talk?" Nick hummed a yes, they pulled out chairs from the island, sitting down side by side.

"So what's on your mind." George was in a great mood due to tonight. He was willing to talk all night if Nick needed to.

"Karl... I guess? Your dance, which was amazing by the way."

"Thanks, but why Karl Sap?" George was already guessing the answer in his head, he has always waited for this.

"I don't know George.. He's .. well he just makes me happy. But like different y'know? Like you make me extremely happy, but not the happy Karl makes me. It confuses me." George's full attention was on Nick, he wanted to help anyway possible. He knew what Nick was feeling, he saw it on his face every time he saw Karl.

"Maybe.. I don't want to make this weird, but maybe you like him? Like, more than friends." George murmured the last part, he didn't know what Nick's reaction was going to be.

"Yeah, maybe." Nick's fingers were nervously tapping a quiet tune.

"Wait, really? Do you think you like boys?" George smiled, he stared Nick in the eyes. Of course he already knew the answer, but he didn't think Nick would openly admit it.

"Yeah. I think I always have George." This didn't shock George.. Usually they never hide anything from each other, but this was understandable. Nick was anxiously waiting for George's response, hoping not to get rejected for his sexuality.

"I'm happy for you Nick, I think you and Karl would be great." George leaned over and pulled Nick into an embrace. Nick's worried face disappeared instantly, his smile grew as he put his arms around George. They pulled off shortly after.

"Do you think Karl likes boys?" George set his elbows on the cold surface, holding his head in his hands

"Uhm. I'm not sure to be honest, he's never mentioned a girl around me but he never mentioned a boy either so I can't be sure."

"You should shoot your shot." That made Nick look down, his mind full again. After a bit of thinking he looked back up.

"I can't."

"I'm not going to force you Nick, but honestly I see it. You guys have a spark like no one else, the way you guys smile at each other, it's different then a friend smile. Your faces shine brighter than any star in the sky just seeing each other. I think you should, but it's up to you."

"Ok, thank you George. I'll think about it." The words George said made Nick think back to every moment he saw Karl, and George definitely was telling the truth. Nick always got so happy seeing Karl, his jaw usually started hurting from smiling so much.

"Of course, I will always be here for you." George smiled and laid his head down in his folded arms. Now his mind was full, not about Nick, about The Masked Man. He didn't ever get his name, he regretted not asking.

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