All For Nothing?

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All For Nothing?

(1494 Words)

Their eyes stayed locked. George slowly noticed what the other man was looking at. Techno broke eye contact with the taller boy to look at the shorter. Techno brought his hand up slowly, motioning them to come over. George had goosebumps running down his body, was he really ready for another scar right after the best night of his life?

The boys stood up, everyone stared at Techno, most confused, but Karl and Sapnap knew what was going on. The 3 boys walked to a quiet hallway, far enough from the others so they couldn't see or hear.

"George, Clay." Techno spoke in a hushed, manipulative tone. Dream was taken back by the use of his name, he doesn't think Techno knew, or ever mentioned it before. "Before you even ask Dream, I'm always listening. I heard your sweet little love day at the beach, I listen to your stupid conversations while you sit on the couch, I'm always there." Techno's grin grew. George was at a loss for words, creeped out that they've been watched. Dream looked angry.

"You motherfucker." Dream muttered. At that, Techno let out a villianish laugh.

"Y'know, George can you go over with the others? I won't pull out my little knife on you tonight." Techno winked, looking towards where he wanted the brown haired boy to go. George listened, no protest, running over to Sapnap.

"Quite a boy isn't he Dream?" Techno licked his lips, he's been waiting for this day.

"Yeah..he is. What do you want?" Dream looked over watching as George stayed very close to Sapnap, clearly scared. Turning his attention back when the other spoke.

"You've been skipping our meetings. It's been awhile.. You used to come almost every night so we could discuss your..payment.." Techno glared daggers into Dream, and Dream glared back.

"I kept disappearing, it was upsetting George. You were changing me, and not a good change. I got angry all the time, protective over George to the point I beat up someone. I craved control, because you were controlling me. I'm done with that shit, I'm done with you." Dream spat. Techno rolled his eyes.

"Well now you have two options. Option one, or option two." As Techno continued about the options, Sapnap stood there, around the corner, wide eyed. Neither of the other men on the other side of the corner didn't know he was there, but he was. And now he felt like he was going to puke.

"I'm not doing either, you're crazy. I'm not playing this fucking game." Dream yelled a little louder than he should've, tears beginning to pool in his eyes. Low laughter escaped the pink haired man, once again.

"Too late, game's not over yet."

"Pick." After a long silence...


Sapnap lost all of the air that was there before. Scrambling over to the others, acting like nothing happened. He felt like he couldn't breathe, he would fix this, he's going to fix it. He watched as Dream and Techno came from behind the corner, Techno heading towards the door looking happier than ever, and Dream walking over looking rather more pale. George went right up to him.

"Are you okay Dream, what happened..?" George whispered in the other's chest, and he hugged him tightly. It was hard for George to see Techno, it brought back all the memories, but he wasn't the one too affected right now.

"Nothing, just warning me..." Dream lied, staring at Nick while his chin rested on the shorter's head. Dream could tell something wasn't right, he had scared eyes, darting all around the room, only landing on Dream for a split second. He'd leave it for now. He hugged the shorter boy tighter. Looking at Nick again, could he really do this? Just for his own freedom he always craved? He didn't really have a choice. If he didn't do this option then more pain would come, and it would end bad anyway. This is the only way to protect everyone, and protect himself.

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