chapter 1.

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"master, wake up. you have to get ready for school." seungcheol groaned not wanting to wake up. "master?" jeonghan patted seungcheol on the shoulder.

seungcheol turned around and placed his hands around jeonghan's neck and pulled him down on to the bed. ( this is sounds dirty ) "jeonghannie~ i told you to call me seungcheol already! we are friends!" seungcheol pouted at jeonghan.

jeonghan was bright red as his face was centimeters away from seungcheol's. and he could feel his hot breath on his neck. "s-seungcheol, you have to get up or y-you'll be late for school."

jeonghan tried pushing himself up off the bed. but seungcheol just pulled jeonghan down and closer to him. and whispered into his ear, "let's just lay like this for 5 mins"

jeonghan shook his head, "come let's go seungcheol" he loved the physical contact that they were having, but he had to do his job. or they will be late for school.

jeonghan got up and left the room, still blushing from what seungcheol did. seungcheol on the other hand, felt guilty and mad at himself.

"why did i do that?! his probably mad at me now. i should just get ready and go to school." seungcheol sighed and got off his bed.

seungcheol fixed his hair and went to the kitchen, "master-" seungcheol cut jeonghan off. "jeonghan, call me seungcheol please." jeonghan nodded.

"seungcheol, you should quickly eat. we need to go school." seungcheol stuffed the sandwich in his mouth and followed behind jeonghan.

"sorry.." seungcheol muttered softly, but jeonghan still heard him. "for what?" jeonghan tilted his head in confusion, "this morning.." jeonghan's eyes widened when he suddenly got reminded of what happened.

"o-oh it's okay, no worries." seungcheol looked up from the floor and started jumping up and down. "really?" jeonghan nodded. suddenly, seungcheol squeezed him into a hug.

jeonghan was shocked at first but hugged him back, before reminding him that they'll be late for school if they don't pick up their pace.

YO IM PROUD OF MYSELF WRITING LIKE THIS - me 4 months aft writing this

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