chapter 6.

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seungcheol came out of the shower to see jeonghan on his phone sitting on the floor, seungcheol frowned. "hannie why are you on the floor? come" seungcheol patted the area beside him on the bed.

jeonghan looked at seungcheol with a 'you sure?' look and seungcheol just nodded. jeonghan then proceeded to lie down on the bed beside seungcheol.

seungcheol scooted closer to jeonghan and said, "let's watch a movie hannie, what movie should we watch?" jeonghan looked at seungcheol, "that one." pointing at the title of a movie.

"okay, it's a romance movie hannie, you okay with that?"

"mhm." jeonghan nodded. " as the movie started, they both wanted to get comfy. seungcheol sat up higher while jeonghan scooted even closer to seungcheol to feel his warmth.

seungcheol wasn't even watching the movie, he was just staring at jeonghan. his beautiful features, brown eyes, round face yet had an amazing jawline, sharp nose, and small but soft kissable lips.

seungcheol shook his head, he knew he could never kiss him, it was something he could only dream about. he sighed. jeonghan heard him sigh and turned to look at him.

"you okay cheol?" jeonghan looked at him with dry tears on his face. "hannie why were you crying?" seungcheol chuckled. "the show is so sad, the guy couldn't get the girl he wanted and got bullied for it." jeonghan pouted.

seungcheol giggled and opened his arms, "come here" they cuddled, jeonghan soon fell asleep and seungcheol was just staring at jeonghan, who looked like an angel.

seungcheol made sure jeonghan was fully asleep he then kissed him on the forehead and turned the movie and lights off and cuddled jeonghan to sleep.

"goodnight hannie~ i love you" seungcheol said, not saying the last three words of his sentence and just letting them stay in his head.

seungcheol kissed his forehead again, and closed his eyes. jeonghan felt something on his forehead so he woke up. he was confused as it looked like seungcheol was sleeping already.

he brushed the feeling of and fell asleep again. but seungcheol on the other hand, his heart was beating so fast as he knew he almost got caught kissing jeonghan.


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