chapter 7.

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"cheol, get up. we have to go to school" seungcheol groaned, refusing to wake up. jeonghan sighed, "come on cheol, i'll go get ready first. you better get ready" jeonghan then left the room and seungcheol got up.

when they finally got to school, seungcheol stood beside jeonghan while he opened his locker to take his books. letters started falling out, this was the second time this happened.

jeonghan sighed but then smiled and picked up all the letters and placed them in his bag. "don't you think this is getting overboard?" seungcheol asked him.

jeonghan shook his head, "i'm grateful that these people spent time to put these letters in my locker. though it's like my locker has become a mailbox" they both chuckled.

seungcheol nodded, then a girl came up to jeonghan tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention. seungcheol eyed this girl, she looked familiar to him. seungcheol's eyes then widened.

he remembered who she was. she was jeonghan's crush, his crush who he adored a lot. "jeonghan oppa, i heard you like me. i also like you, can we go on a date?" she asked jeonghan with puppy eyes.

seungcheol was so jealous, so he just stood there with a poker face on. jeonghan looked at seungcheol, seungcheol just shrugged at jeonghan. jeonghan thought for a bit and nodded.

the girl then proceeded to hug him, "u-uh mina? i need to go to class" jeonghan said asking her to let go of him. "okay! let me walk with you to your class!" seungcheol rolled his eyes behind them.

that was my thing! he sighed, he informed jeonghan that he was just going to head to class first. "hey, cheol. you okay?" jeonghan stopped him. seungcheol nodded and left.

jeonghan was slightly upset but he shrugged it off and walked to class with mina. mina kept talking to him but he wasn't focusing on her. he was too worried about whether seungcheol was mad at him, or why he acted like that.

"oppa? are you listening?" jeonghan faced mina, "sorry.. i had something on my mind" mina smiled, "it's okay! if you need to get it off my mind just tell me, okay oppa? you can just tell me now."

jeonghan shook his head, "it's okay, i'll just go to class!" mina held him back, "oppa, just tell me!" jeonghan smiled at her and tried to walk off. but mina was actually quite strong and held him back.

"oppa, just tell me!" mina shouted starting to get annoyed. jeonghan looked at her confusingly, "why do you want to know so badly?" shit i almost blew my cover mina thought. "s-sorry oppa"

"it's okay" jeonghan patted her head. mina smiled and said goodbye to jeonghan. jeonghan waved at her and went inside the classroom.

after class, mina stood outside jeonghan's class waiting for him. "oppa!" mina grabbed jeonghan's arm after seeing him come out from the classroom.

"annyeong mina, i'm gonna go find seungcheol i'll see you after school okay?" mina held onto jeonghan and shook her head. "i already told seungcheol you'll be with me, please can you stay with me."

"okay, but let me just text him." mina held his hand from getting his phone, "believe me oppa, i already told him don't worry! and he said he was okay with it!" jeonghan was hesitant but nodded.

"okay then." mina brought jeonghan to the garden, and sat down on the swing with him. "oppa! here, i made a sandwich for you!" jeonghan smiled and ate it.

jeonghan kept thinking about seungcheol, he wanted to eat with him but mina wouldn't let him even text seungcheol. jeonghan sighed, "wae, oppa? is it not nice?" jeonghan shook his head and smiled.

"no it's nice!" mina nodded. soon the bell rang and they went back to class together. while they were walking back to class, jeonghan saw seungcheol with danni. he didn't know that they were friends.

he just felt his heart drop, luckily seungcheol didn't notice him. he felt super upset, he didn't know why he felt like this. seungcheol could hang out with whoever he wanted, but jeonghan just felt upset.

jeonghan then thought about mina, jeonghan actually didn't like mina. he is bi, but mostly into guys. mina was just an excuse of a crush when seungcheol asked about his crush. he couldn't reject her since he told seungcheol she was his crush.

jeonghan sighed and quickly went up to class, of course with mina by his side.

finally school ended, jeonghan was about to run to go find seungcheol but mina stopped him. again. "oppa! remember our lunch date! let's go! where do you want to eat, oppa?"

jeonghan sighed, "any café" jeonghan hadn't seen seungcheol the whole day ever since mina asked him out to lunch. was seungcheol avoiding him? or was mina making jeonghan avoid seungcheol?

————————— time skip | after lunch
—— with mina

the lunch was hectic, it was mina just asking jeonghan all these questions about him. and jeonghan giving her short replies as he wasn't in the mood.

mina then became annoyed and got mad at him and left. jeonghan was slightly upset, today was the worst day for him. he barely even saw seungcheol. he was upset about that too.

and seungcheol didn't even try to contact jeonghan. jeonghan sighed, paid for the food and went home. he went home and got ready for bed. before going to bed he knocked on seungcheol's room door, "who is it?" seungcheol shouted.

"it's me" jeonghan said, "go away" seungcheol replied. "please cheol, i don't know what i did but i'm sorry okay. please cheol." jeonghan ran out of energy to beg seungcheol.

he decided to just sit outside seungcheol's door until seungcheol opened the door. soon, jeonghan fell asleep outside the door, seungcheol wanted to check on what jeonghan was doing.

he saw jeonghan lying on the floor sleeping, a small smile creeped up his face. then he shook his head, he was mad at jeonghan for not hanging out with him the whole day. all jeonghan did was hang out with mina the whole day.

seungcheol carried jeonghan bridal style and made sure not to wake him up and went inside his room. and placed jeonghan on his bed, jeonghan had his own room, but his room was quite far and seungcheol didn't want to wake him up.

seungcheol covered jeonghan with a blanket and smiled. he turned off the lights and cuddled jeonghan to sleep.

long chapter after the filler lol

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