chapter 9.

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seungcheol wanted to leave but jeonghan grabbed his wrist and pulled him back. he placed his hand against the wall blocking seungcheol from running away. ( yes like all the k-dramas )

"w-what are you doing" seungcheol asked. "you shouldn't be hanging out with her." jeonghan said in a stern tone. "who are you to tell me what to do jeonghan" seungcheol rolled his eyes trying to escape.

but jeonghan just shifted his face closer to seungcheol's, seungcheol's face was heating up. "d-don't you h-have mina? why can't i hang out with her! we're just friends!" jeonghan suddenly let go of seungcheol and looked at the ground.

seungcheol was worried, "m-mina... she used me.." jeonghan choked up, "w-what do you mean jeonghan?" jeonghan looked at seungcheol, "it was a bet.."

seungcheol's face flushed red out of anger, "she used you for a bet?!" jeonghan nodded, seungcheol was about to run to go find mina but jeonghan stopped him, "don't cheol."

seungcheol sighed and nodded, seungcheol pulled jeonghan into a hug. "c-can we be friends again?" seungcheol chuckled. "when did we stop being friends?"

"w-well can you stop hanging out with danni?" jeonghan asked. "why? are you jealous!!" seungcheol joked. jeonghan hit his chest, "n-no! what are you talking about cheol!" seungcheol giggled, "i was joking hannie, she's really just a friend!" jeonghan nodded, trusting seungcheol.

time skip —————— after school

"hannie! let's go home!" jeonghan shook his head, "my teacher asked to stay back, you can go first. i'll be home soon okay?" seungcheol pouted but nodded. jeonghan blushed but hid his face from seungcheol.

they waved goodbye to each other before seungcheol left. jeonghan actually didn't need to stay back, but instead he was meeting seungkwan and vernon, the dream couple.

the couple everyone adored and wanted to be. he needed some help, "hey jeonghan hyung! what's up?" jeonghan bit his bottom lip, "h-how do you know if you like someone?"

seungkwan's eyes widened, "YOU LIK-" jeonghan placed his hand over seungkwan's mouth. "shut up kwan, i don't even know whether i do." seungkwan nodded.

"just answer these questions for me" jeonghan nodded, "those this person give you butterflies?" jeonghan nodded. "does this person make you blush?" jeonghan nodded. "do you feel jealous or angry when you see this person hang out with someone who they might just like?" jeonghan nodded.

"then you like this person!" seungkwan hugged jeonghan, vernon pulled him off of jeonghan cause he was jealous. ( hehe ) "hyung! who is it!" jeonghan's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it. "i-i'll tell you next time, i need to go home." jeonghan ran off, "yah! hyung!" vernon hugged seungkwan preventing him from chasing after jeonghan.

"babe, let's go~" seungkwan nodded pecking him on lips. "let's go" they held hands and left.

jeonghan on the other hand, quickly ran home. i-i like him? i do? really? he was so deep in his thoughts he didn't realise he was home already. "hannie? why are you panting?" jeonghan got scared by seungcheol's voice and fell on his butt.

seungcheol laughed and helped him up, "are you okay hannie?" jeonghan nodded, his face blushing in embarrassment. "go bathe! you're sweaty and stinky!" jeonghan pouted and went to bathe.

this chap is so cringy but like you need the tea and climax in stories ykyk dont have these cringy parts then the story not fun liao :D uploading chapter 10 soon

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