chapter 10.

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jeonghan finishes up his shower and came out from the bathroom to see seungcheol watching a horror movie. there was a jumpscare and jeonghan screamed and jumped and fell on his butt.

seungcheol got worried, "hannie! oh my- are you okay?!" jeonghan pouted, "my butt hurts" seungcheol chuckled and lifted him up and their faces were an inch apart. their noses touching.

"hannie you're blushing!" jeonghan's eyes widened, he covered his face and said, "no i am not!" seungcheol chuckled and hugged jeonghan, "you're so cute.." he mumbled. he hoped jeonghan had not heard it but secretly wanted him to hear it.

jeonghan heard it, "w-what?" seungcheol bent down and placed on of his arm behind jeonghan's legs and lifted him up bridal style and threw him onto the bed. and he crawled above him.

"c-cheol, w-what are you d-doing" jeonghan was nervous, "nothing!" seungcheol giggled and fell onto jeonghan hugging him. jeonghan felt his face heat up, "i-i actually have something to tell you"

seungcheol got off of jeonghan and sat up, jeonghan also sat up. "i.....i'm bi..." seungcheol's jaw dropped, "really? that's so cool! i didn't expect you to be bi!" jeonghan's eyes slightly widened.

"r-really? you don't hate me?" jeonghan stuttered, seungcheol laughed, "me? a gay guy hating you for being bi? plus i would never hate you hannie!" even if i like you? jeonghan smiled.

"let's watch the movie! seungcheol crawled onto the bed patting the empty area beside him, jeonghan moved to sit beside seungcheol.

they were watching the movie when jeonghan suddenly saw a scary looking creature, "ahhh!" he hid his head in seungcheol's chest, seungcheol smiled showing his dimples. he loved the way that they were cuddling because jeonghan was scared, he felt happy that he could "protect" jeonghan.

seungcheol placed his arm over jeonghan's shoulder and pulled him closer. "it's okay.." he patted jeonghan, "it's gone now" jeonghan tried moving back but because seungcheol's arm was over his shoulder, he couldn't do anything but move closer to seungcheol.

jeonghan's heart started beating faster, he hoped seungcheol wouldn't feel it. "hey hannie? are you okay? your heart is beating kind of fast, infact really fast." jeonghan blushed but hid his face in seungcheol's chest, "i-i'm s-scared" he came up with an excuse.

seungcheol chuckled, "don't worry" i'm here to protect you soon, seungcheol heard some snores. jeonghan had fallen asleep, seungcheol covered jeonghan with the blanket. "sleep tight" i love you "goodnight"

sorry for the short chapter, i've just started school and i was busy. i'll try to update when i can! i was about to drop this story like all my other stories but i saw that quite a few people read this one so i decided to continue! i hope you like it, i was in a rush to post so this is kind of a filler chapter until i think of somekind of drama lol. any ideas??

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