The Play

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I didn't know what to put for music so heres Aqua

I am the director of this play. I am the Director of this play. I said to myself so many times.  Omg what if I don't cast the right people? Nah maybe I will. "Um... Cancer please come up" I shouted. Cancer walked up to the stage nervous. I could see it. It was written all over her face. "Okay what role are you going for?" I asked. "Um... I'm trying out for the maid, Natalie" she said. "All right break a leg". 

This story was about a Prince who fell in love with a commoner girl. Cliche but there is going to be a twist on the person playing the girl. I won't tell you yet so keep reading this book. The prince did not know what to do so he asked his maid, Natalie, to find this beauty in his kingdom and bring her to him. Once Natalie does that she realizes she has fallen for the prince but didn't do anything. Natalie bring the Beautiful young lady and the commoner falls I love with the prince they get married and did not live happily ever after. A knight from a far away kingdom come to the prince with a message. 

'Dear Prince Aveon of Labradiona, I have fallen in love with you gf (😂) I want her and if you don't give her to me, though I have not met her she is said to be very beautiful, give her to me or I will start a war🤣.'

Sincerely, Prince Hillio of Hemeno.

The prince doesn't know what to do but the Queen and King come up with a plan. Since he has not met her or seen her they will send a maid worthy. They chose Natalie the prettiest of all maids. Natalie's parents don't like the idea but couldn't say anything. So they decided to go to the two witch's that are rumored to be living in the death forest. When they arrive they are greeted by two witches. The witch asked them what they want and they say. "We want our daughter to live a peace full life in the kingdom of Hemeno make sure they prince doesn't harm her in anyway." "What's in it for up" the witches say. "We will give you this". The dad pulls out a red Gem. The witch's eye widened and make the deal.

The new princes gf looks at the maid with sorrow full eyes. "You don't have to go with it you know" She says. "No it's okay if this might protect the kingdom I'll do it" the maid says. The princess smiles and nods. "Well you look very beautiful in the dress." The princess says. "Is she done?" The queen said. "Yes your majesty."

And that is all I'm going to spoil lol.

Everyone finish there auditions and I set down the roles

Natalie: Cancer

Queen: Leo

King: Libra

Witches: Gem and Gemini

Prince: Scorpio

Commoner: Taurus 😏

Prince Hillio: Betelgeuse 

Natalie's mom: Virgo

Natalies dad: Pisces

Knight: Aries

King Hemion: Capricorn

Queen Harmonie: Sag

Princess Etherea of Labradonia: Ophi

"What why am I the Commoner?" Taurus asked. "Because I thought it would be cool" I said walking away from hi . "No it's weird"

"No it is not a lot of guys play girls. Especially in the mid evil times when girl couldn't be in plays guys played girls. Take Romeo and Juliet for example" I said to him smiling cheekily. 

"Still, what ever as long as we don't have to kiss" 

"There's is a kissing scene but it's not yours. I mean you guys do have one but you can fake it"

"Alright" he said and left. "Hey Aquarius do mind I forgot to get a copy of the script" Cancer said to me. "Yep here you go Cance" I said and handed her the script. "By the way could you get Virgo for me tell her to meet me at the Library" I said to her and she nodded. I waited in the library and I heard the door open. "You know could have just texted me instead of making cancer get me" Virgo said.

"Yeah I know but I wanted to be dramatic" I said wiggling my eyebrows. "So what do you want?" 

"Oh since you are playing the mom and also helping my direct the play I wanted to ask you something"

I told her what I wanted to do and she smirked. "I mean it will be a surprise only those two will know" we both laughed evilly and left.

Time Skip to two months later cause it can be a day because you need to build sets make costumes and a that stuff soo now its  March 23.

Everyone was in their dressing rooms getting ready and it was 10 minutes till opening. "Gosh I'm so nervous" I said. "Don't worry Aqua everything is going to be okay" Sag said. 

"Hey have you guys seen my cape?" Scorpio said walking up to us. "Check Gemini's area" Pisces said walked by and Scorpio left. "Guys does this look good?" Leo asked us. "Yep Leo you look good." I said and she nodded then headed off.

I felt someone tap my shoulders and turned around and saw Cancer "Hey Aqua I feel like somethings bad is going to happen" she said looking concerned. "Don't worry your just nervous" Virgo said reassuring her. "But.. Okay maybe it is" she said and walked away. 

"All right guys 3 minutes till the curtains opens. Get in you places" Ms. Flare said. Everyone got in there places and I stood back. 

So far the whole play was going smoothly and I was excited for cancers and Betelgeuse's scene and Taurus and Scorpios scene. Taurus and Scorpio were about to fake kiss each other when the taurus almost fell and scorpio caught him and they finished there fake kiss. It was getting near Betelgeuse's and Cancer's scene and they were leaning into each other. Scorpios and Taurus eyes were widening and they tried to stop it when Sag ran toward them and covered cancer. Then a gun shot went off. Someone had fired a gun. I looked over at the crowed and it looked like they wear screaming but I couldn't hear a thing. 

I looked over at my friends and cancer was holding Sag crying. Libra shouted someone and i felt a someone shake me. "Aquarius Aquarius call 911" Gemini said her eyes all red. "Y..yeah alright" I dialed 911 and they came.

We were at the hospital waiting in the waiting room. Libra was grabbing his hair and was muttering to himself. Cancer kept asking the doctors that came out of the operating room stuff but they would't answer. "It's all my fault" I said. "What no its not" Ophi said to my patting my back. "Yeah" Virgo said. "No it is Cancer said something bad was going to happen and I ignored her. You know how intuitive cancer is and her intuition are always almost right and plus I felt something bad was going to happen to" I said as tears poured down my eyes.

"NO its not you fault even if you had a feeling you didn't know whats was going to happen" Sags mom Archer said to me. "Don't beat yourself up with these things" Gemini said. "Guys  guys the surgeon came out" Cancer said her eyes all puffy and red.

"Hi im surgeon Twinkle" he said shaking cancers hand instead of Mrs. Archer or Mr. Archer. "Um.. I'm not her mom" Cancer said. "Oh sorry I thought you were since you know you looked like you cried alot." he said chuckling. "So doctor how is she?" Mr. Archer asked.

"She is stable the surgery went smoothly don't worry. She is still asleep but if  you would like to come-" "No will stay till visit hours are over" Mrs. Archer said interrupting him. "Yeah will stay with her til visiting hours are over" Pisces said. "Well all of you can't stay in the same room with her so pick some people to stay and some people to leave" he suggested. "Why can't we all stay?" Leo asked. "Well I'm not saying you can't but- fine you guys can stay" he said and led us to her room.

When we arrived Libra burst in there and quickly when to her bed side. "Do you love our daughter?" Mr. Archer asked him sternly. "Oh um... sorry sir" Libra said. " Ether your scaring the kid" Mrs. Archer said. "Sorry" he said and walked to his daughters bed side.

We waited 2 hours and Mrs. Archer got a call from the police saying they caught the shooter. Her name was Dawn Strike. She confessed that she was aiming for cancer. Her daughter.

We all turned to Cancer and she looked away from us. Just then Sag woke up. 

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