Three friends

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I took Taurus back to our dorm and my body was aching all over. i set him on the couch and plopped myself down to. i sighed and took a deep breath in. "cancer?" I heard Taurus say to me. i looked over and our faces were only like 1 in apart which made me blush. "Oh its Cancer" he said smiling and laid on me. "Taurus what are you doing?" I asked embarrassed. "i'm hugging you" He replied. He leaned his face in as if he was about to kiss when suddenly I heard the door open. Scorpio was there.

"Hey guys I wante-" he stopped talking after he saw that Taurus was on me. he rushed over and pushed Pisces off of me. "Ow man what the heck?" Taurus said. "Why were you on her like that" Scorpio yelled. "Wait Scorp why are you mad" Taurus asked. "Cause you were on her. You know what bye" He said. "Scorpio wait. why-" before i could finish my sentence he left. "

Both me and Taurus looked at each other and said, "What just happened?" "Oh well he'll be back to normal tomorrow" Taurus said. i nodded nervously and went to the bathroom to shower. after i showered i put on a towel and looked at myself in the mirror. I had bruises on my arms and chest. I had covered up the bruises with make up and it washed out after I took a shower. You're probably wondering why i have these. It started one month ago.

Flash back

"Cancer you're one of my closest friends so I'm going to tell you this" Pisces said to me. "Alright what did you want to talk about?"

"Well umm.. I know it's not a big deal but I want to say that I'm bi and I would be really happy if you supported me."

"Of course Pisces" I said hugging him

"Just don't tell anyone okay."

"Yes definitely cross my heart and hope to die poke a needle in my eye" I said and we laughed.

As I walked in the halls I got pulled by Astra. She started kicking me and I tried to defend myself  it she said, "no you don't, I over heard your little chat with Pisces so it's best if you don't defend or tell anyone about this. Unless you want your friends little secret to come out". I panicked and said nothing. "Good girl" she said and started beating me up even more. 

Flash back end

I got dressed in the bathroom and went to sleep. I had a nightmare about my mom. About my past

Cancer's dream

"No stop don't leave please I'll do better". I heard my mom say at the front door. My dad was leaving us. "Get off me you whore!" My dad said. "Please Jake please". I heard the front door shut and my mom was crying super loud. "Mom are you okay?" I asked going to her. She looked up and me and her eyes were pure rage. "It's all your fault if you hadn't been born he'd still be here!" She screamed. She charged toward me and started choking me. "Mom.. stop please. I'm.... sorry" I said trying to pry her hands away while crying.

"Hello this is the police we here because of a noise complaint" a police officer said but my mo  didn't hear cause she was screaming and trying to kill me. "We're coming!" The officer said and saw that my mom was trying to kill me and got her off me. The other office grabbed her and cuffed her. My mom wasn't always like this she was sweet caring and then my dad kept drinking staying out late so my mom decided to cheat and my dad caught her that's why he left and she blamed me. My dad was a good man he just liked to drink and work over time. He bought gifts for me and loved me. Even though I'm not his biological daughter.

"You are going to pay!" She yelled. "You are the one that broke us apart and you are going to be the reason that Taurus and Scorpio stop being friend!" Now the friend part never happened in the past. "You are a disappointment. I wish you died the minute you were born!"

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