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I've been having a hard time naming chapter lately.

Sags P.O.V

I woke up in the hospital with everyone next to me.

"What happened?" I asked though I knew exactly what happened. "You were shot sweetie" my mom said 'worried'. "Oh really" I said. "Yeah you saved me" Cancer said smiling. "It was kinda dumb of you though" Capricorn said. Like it was my idea, I thought to my self. "Are you okay sweetie" my mom asked with a concerned face even though I knew it was fake.  

"Yeah I am thanks mom" I said. "Gosh I was so worried" Libra said hugging me. My heart skipped a beat. I hugged him back. "You had us all worried Pisces said". I mean you just jumped in there with out thinking" he added. "It was nothing cancer would have done the same right Cance?" I said turning to her and she nodded. "Anyway the doctor with discharge you tomorrow" Dad . said.

"What why so early?" Scorpio asked. "Well the doc said it was a clean shot no poison, infection and stuf like that and the bullet didn't go deep". Mom said said. "But they do need to keep an eye on her for 24 hours so we'll have to come back tomorrow" Dad added. "We're just glad you're okay" Gemini said. I nodded and smiled. Everything was planned.

2 months ago

My mom asked me to go visit a prison. Why I wondered. Maybe it's another part of her plan to get attention. I fucking hate this. Why does she want attention so much. 

We arrived at the prison and I saw a women who looked like cancer. Strange. Mom talked to her and the lady was nodding. Can this just be over. I checked my phone cause I got a message it was from Gemini.

-Twin_Gemini-(^○^): hey girl where are you?

~Sagittarius_Sh00ting~: At the gym. Why?

-Twin_Gemini-(^○^): Aquarius is saying that you should come in for your fitting. 

~Sagittarius_Sh00ting~: Yeah I'll be right there

-Twin_Gemini-(^○^): Kay see you byeeeee love you

~Sagittarius_Sh00ting~: love you too 😘

I put my phone down and my mom walked over to me. "Come here sweetie" she said and I walked over to the lady. "I want you to meet Luna Water. Cancer biological mom" she said. My eyes widened and I went silent. "Honey where are your manners" mom said to me. "Right sorry. I I'm Cancer's friend Sagittarius". "I'm surprised that bitch has friend" Luna said. "Hey don't speak to her like that" I said raising my voice. "Whatever are you going to except the deal?" Mom asked the lady. 

She smirked and nodded. We walked out of there and told me something. "When it is about to be the last scene I want you to jump behind Cancer". "Why?" I asked. "Don't question do as I say" she said and we got into the car.

Present time

I laid there in the hospital bed. My friends had left but Gemini, Cancer, Leo, and Libra said they would stay but my parents said no. "You did well honey" mom said. I started to tear up. "Why would you do that to me mom?!" I yelled. "Wait you mom planned this. Again!?" My dad yelled. "Bellatrix. How could you do that to our daughter?" dad asked more calm. "Well you know what it takes to be an Archer don't you?" Mom asked smiling. "Yes I do and I don't want to be apart of it" he said.

"Wait dad are you divorcing mom?" I asked and he nodded.  Some part or me was happy he was doing that but the other part of me we broken. Sure we were a messed up family but we're still family. "You can't divorce me. You now that you can't go on with out me" mom said getting up. "Watch me and I'm taking my daughter." He said. "You can't take her! She's my daughter!" Mom yelled back. "Look it's up to our daughter to decide. I already had the divorce ready a few months ago" dad said calmly. "Wait you were planning to divorce mom when?" I asked him. "I was planning on divorcing her in may" dad said. "So sweetie who do you want to live with?" Mom asked

"Uh... can I ask some questions?" I said. They both nodded. "Dad if I were to live with you does that mean I have to switch schools?" "No honey I be living here in the galaxy your school is in" dad said. "Mom if I live with you does that mean I have to do those things again?" "Uh no honey no" mom said. "So then can you guys still be together?" "No sweetie we don't love each other like we used too" dad said. I started to tear up.

"Okay I made my choices" I said. 

It was the weekend so I could rest but I felt restless so I helped my dad float his things to the Milky Way.

"Dad did you ever love mom?" I asked him. "Yes at some point in time" he replied smiling. We finished and I decided to go back to the dorm. All the girls were waiting for me. "Um.. what's going on" I said concerned.

"Well we decided to have a girls day out with all the girls!" Gemini said grabbing my arm. "What do you say?" Leo asked. Is chuckled and looked back at them, "sure let's go girls" we all rush out the door and when to a Amusement park. "Guys Scorpio just texted me" cancer said. "What'd he say?" Virgo asked. "Where are you girls at the guys are worried?" Cancer read out loud. "Eh they're  right it's 8pm oh well" gem said. I grinned "tell them we are all on a date with guys" I said. 

Gemini still hasn't come out yet darlings.

Cancer smirked back at me and nodded. She started typing and I stared at her. "Guys I want to tell you something" I said. 

"Go ahead" Virgo said to me. I explained my whole situation and I was planning on cancer to cry and yell at me but she was calm and smiling. "It's okay it not your fault you didn't know. Plus I hope my mother stays in jail" she said smiling kinda scary. "Wow Cance your kinda scary" Ophi added and we all laughed. "So what did Scorpio text back?" Leo asked. "Yeah he said, where are you guys? who are the guys? Cancer text me back. What should I do?" Cancer asked us. "Meh leave him on read it's a girls night" Gemini said. Cancer left him and read and we decided to have a great time.

"Gosh I'm beat" Virgo said and we all hummed in unison. I opened the door and saw Libra standing there. His eyes widened and he hugged me. "Gosh I was so worried" he said. I chuckled and hugged him back. We separated and he went to hug Leo. "Jeez boys what's got you all worked up?" Gemini asked smirking. "Who were the guys you were with" Aries asked grabbing Gemini's shoulders. "Ow that hurts" Gemini said. "Sorry". "Yeah who were the guys you were with" Taurus and Scorpio said walking up to Cancer with a dark aura around them. I turned to Libra he wasn't to happy either.

"Guy it was a prank" Ophi said clearing the air. We all nervously chuckled and laughed. "So it was a prank" Aquarius said laughing. "See Me Capricorn and Pisces told you guys now you each owe us 10 dollars pay up" he said and we all laughed.

"We were kinda scared I thought-" Libra was about to say something and then shut up. "What?" Virgo asked. "They thought-" Capricorn was about to also say something when Pisces covered his mouth. "How about we all head to bed"Pisces suggested and we all nodded. "That was weird" I said. "Indeed" Leo added.

A/n well that is all guys hope you enjoyed this chapter and are staying tuned.

Question: should I have a school festival, prom or both?

That's all hope you enjoyed and like this chapter and if you did make sure to Star it.



       Your mom Lovely ☺️ 

       Your mom Lovely ☺️ 

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A bloody Scorpio 

Cancer: S...Scorpio is that b...blood?

Scorpio: Hmmm.....? This is paint. I guess...

P.S guess who Sag stay'd with.

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