chapter 25

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It's so cold in my house so I'm literally wearing gloves and I'm writing this on my phone and gloves and phones don't really go well together so yeah sorry if theres any mistakes it's very difficult to type ahaha.

The two boys woke up wrapped in each other's arms, sharing as much warmth as they could. The crisp air filled their lungs as they woke up, "Haz we need to get up we only have 30 minutes before school" Louis mumbled after they laid there for ages just taking it in turn to kiss each other and drew patterns on the others hand.

"I don't want to go" Harry mumbled snuggling into Louis' arms as much as possible, "I know luv but it's your first day back you kinda have to go, I promise I'll come pick you up after and we can hang out with all the guys at mine" Louis said playing with Harry's hair.


"Harry! You're back" Eleanor smiled, pulling Harry in for a hug as he walked into the law lecture. "Hi, I moved back friday night, how has the lesson been without me?" Harry asked getting his notes out, "urgh it's been terrible, theres been no one to tell me to concentrate and no one to share their notes with me so I've been truly failing" She explained over dramatically.

Harry chuckled slightly "it's alright let's get this back on track, I'll send you today's notes later and any parts you don't understand we can go through tomorrow, now try to pay attention and don't get me into trouble" Harry whispered as the professor walked in, "thanks, I'm so glad your back" Eleanor said quite loudly cause Harry and the teacher to glare at her momentarily.

His day went pretty well considering he had been learning completely different things at the other college for the past year he is pretty confident he can catch up with anything he missed. He stumbled out of the gates with so many folders that he had been give to help him learn everything he missed, the only good thing was the things they were teaching now he had already learnt so he had the time to catch up.

"Woah, let me help with some of that" Liam said appearing from the other direction, he helped Harry take the books as they found Louis waiting with one of his many cars. "Those are a lot of books" Louis pointed out as Liam and Harry dropped all the books on the floor of the car. "They are all Harry's" Liam said.

"Aww I thought that you were a bit of a nerd" Louis teased as Harry got in the car, "hey!" Harry pouted, "I think it's hot" Louis said under his breath so Liam wouldn't hear, Harry just blushed and tried to dissolve himself into the car seat, turns out that's not possible but he was going to try his best.

"Right everyone is already at mine, and apparently Niall's brought his girlfriend so you'll get to meet her for the first time, she's very lovely, a perfect match for Niall because they both constantly go out to eat and then they go home together and eat more" Louis explained. "That's cute, do you think she'll like me" Harry asked with puppy dog eyes, "of course she will, who wouldn't love a cutie like you" Louis smiled as he kept his eyes on the road infront of him.

They arrived at Louis' house and got out the car, Liam ran straight in excited to see Danielle, "Hey, you didn't wear this today so I took it with me, I hope you don't mind" Louis said holding Harry back at the car grabbing the flower crown Harry was wearing yesterday.

Harry couldn't help but smile, he didn't wear it because he just felt incredibly self conscious for some reason but Louis had kept with him all day. "Wear it for me baby?" Louis asked "if you put it on for me" Harry replied, he bowed his head slightly and bent his knees so Louis could reach the top of his head to place the crown and fix his curls around it.

"Such a pretty princess" Louis smiled kissing Harry's nose before he could stand up straight making it out of reach. "Your nose is cuter than mine, I should be the one to kiss your nose instead" Harry said kissing Louis' nose instead this time. "Maybe this can be our always" Louis smiled. "You did not just quote the fault in our stars to me" Harry gasped. "Oh that is exactly what I did" Louis replied before he grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him inside to go join everyone else.

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