chapter 14

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Boobear ~ I had fun today

Harry - Me too, thank you so much

Boobear ~ what you doing right now

Harry - promise you won't judge...

Boobear ~ I swear I won't judge

Harry - well I'm watching friends while cuddling Sugar

Boobear ~ I couldn't judge you for that, because I am also watching friends and I'm cuddling Rainbow

*flashback to earlier that day*

(Yes these are kinda based on rainbow bondage bear and sugar baby bear but there not like exactly the same)

"Okay let's give each other the bears we made" Louis said as they were getting ready for Harry to leave. "Okay" Harry agreed, they went and got the bag with the bear they made in it. "Right mine first" Harry said handing over the bag he had. Louis opened the bag to reveal a rainbow coloured bear, wearing a black leather jacket but it had a small rainbow heart on the sleeve. It had blue eyes which made Louis smile when he noticed.

"I absolutely love it" Louis smiled looking carefully at it, "I really like the little rainbow heart on the leather jacket, I want to wear this jacket" Louis said. "I mean you're pretty small so it might fit" Harry replied before he could think about what he was saying. "You little shit, just because you're freakishly tall doesn't make me small!" Louis pouted.

"Sorry" Harry said trying to sound sincere but he couldn't help but let out a small that was as small as Louis.

"If it wasn't for the fact you're so cute your ass would be kicked out that window" Louis mumbled angrily. "Ohmy I could fly, oh let's try that" Harry said excitedly. "You want me to kick you out the window?" Louis chuckled. "Well um yeah! I'll fly!" Harry said. "Fuck, you're so cute" Louis smiled.

"Right, enough about your cuteness. Here's your bear" Louis said handing over the bag he was holding. Harry opened the bag and pulled out a white and almost sparkly bear that had a slight tinge of pink in some places. It was wearing a light blue flower crown and white elegant dress. Its eyes were green which made Harry smile just like Louis had done.

"I love it!" Harry smiled hugging it tightly. They both sat smiling at each other sitting in a comfortable silence. "Harry....." Louis said quietly, Harry looked curiously at Louis, he barely ever called him Harry, what was wrong?

"I know you said it was okay but I feel bad you used all the money you had with you to pay for this....can I give you the money?" Louis asked knowing already that Harry would come up with some excuse on why he shouldn't give him money. "Lou, you literally brought me enough clothes and things to fill my room, you've given me enough okay, let me pay for this one thing" Harry said.

Louis couldn't exactly argue with that so just dropped the topic. "So what are you going to name yours?" He asked, Harry thought for a moment "sugar, because it looks like a ball of sweet sugar" Harry said holding it up. "What are you going to name yours" he asked in return.

"It's pretty basic and not very original but Rainbow" Louis said, "hmm I like it" Harry smiled, "thank you for today, I've really enjoyed it" Harry said, "I've really liked it as well.....can I tell you a secret?" Louis said. Harry nodded, "that's the first time I've taken someone out on a date" Louis said.

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