chapter 10

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After they had dinner they went up to Louis' floor and sat in his room just chatting with each other. "Oh, I just remembered I said I would take you to the pool" Louis said getting up. "Lou it's the sun is almost setting isn't it going to be cold and dark" Harry whined.

Louis searched through his walk in wardrobe to find himself swimming trunks he then found a yellow pair that were too big for him "here, put these on they should fit you" he said chucking them at Harry. He decided not to argue with Louis and he just went into Louis' bathroom to change.

"Lou, I look ridiculous" Harry groaned as he looked into the mirror looking at the bright yellow trunks. "I'm sure you look sexy, let me see" Louis chuckled from the other side of the door. Harry slowly opened the door and stepped out, Louis couldn't help but scan over Harry's body.

Harry felt self conscious and turned himself away slightly wrapping his arms around where his love handles were. "Don't cover yourself princess" Louis said stepping close to harry and pulling his arms away from his body.

"C'mon let's go" Louis said leading Harry out of the room. They got in the lift and Louis pressed the number 7. "I thought there were only 6 floors" Harry said remembering Niall only listing 6 floors when they first met the night of the party. "There's technically nothing on the seventh floor but you'll see" Louis said as the lift went up.

The lift opened and all that was there was a bench and then a pile of towels at the side. It was a very small space probably the size of a normal sized bathroom. "Why are we up here?" Harry asked. "We are going swimming" Louis smiled. He walked over to the door that was on the wall and opened it, you could see the whole garden and everything around the house.

Harry was stunned when he saw that the door lead to nothing but open space, until he looked down and saw water coming up to just under the door. He had a pool on his roof, his entire roof was a freaking swimming pool, all with glass edges so it was practically an infinity pool going around the whole house with just the small room attached to the lift in the middle of it.

Louis jumped out the door into the water below him, grabbing Harry's hand just before so that he was pulled in as well. They both came up from the water gasping from the coldness but both laughing as well. "You little shit" Harry squealed as he splashed Louis for pulling him in. Louis just smiled and hid under the water so not to get splashed.

"I'll race ya to the edge" Louis said starting to swim to the edge of the pool, Harry quickly followed. They both got there at the same time and then spent a good few minutes arguing about who got there first. "Hey look the sun is setting" Harry said excited as he rested his arms on the glass edge to hold himself up.

Louis did the same thing and they watched the sunset. "Don't you think it's just so beautiful" Harry whispered out. "not as beautiful as you though" Louis smiled slightly. "Cringy but cute, I like it" Harry chuckled but he did blush slightly and get a warm feeling inside.

"Hey, watch this" Louis said quickly swimming back over to the middle section. He got to the wall and pulled himself up and a bar that was there and pressed a button. The floor of the pool lit up the colour of the pool would fade between a whole range of colours. "That's cool" Harry said watching in amazement.

"I'll heat it up as well so we don't get cold" Louis said hitting another button and Harry could already feel the water around him heat up as he started to swim over to Louis. Along the other side of the pool there was a ledge halfway up the glass wall so they swam over there and sat down on that.

"Want to play 21 questions or something?" Louis suggested. "Woah I didn't know we were 12 year old girls" Harry laughed. "Alright then we won't play it I was just making a suggestion" Louis said sassily. "Woah woah calm down your sassy ass down, let's play it" Harry said.

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