chapter 11

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Incase anyone was wondering, I never finished my physics work but the teacher didn't care so yeah we all good.

Harry and Louis sat in the cinema room. Harry sat on Louis' lap as they cuddled under a blanket drinking their hot chocolate and watching friends. "I can't believe you've never watched friends" Harry said as they started the second episode. "I've been missing out, this is great" Louis said. "I know!" Harry said in Monica's voice causing them both to chuckle.

"Harry, do you ever get scared to go to sleep?" Louis questioned suddenly during one of the episodes "hmm sometimes" Harry replied. "What does it feel like when you wake up" he asked.

"At first I feel confused, because like I was in the place that seemed so real to me and then suddenly I'm not so I panic about the sudden change trying to work out whether it was real or not. Then I just start panicking that its going to happen and I remember everything that did happen. I start to not be aware of my surroundings which makes me panic even more, I start to go into a panic attack and I just can't breathe. No matter how much I breathe my body just doesn't seem to get any oxygen and then my chest gets so tight and I just want to scream, sometimes I do" Harry explained.

"Haz, I'm so sorry that happens to you that sounds terrible" Louis said quietly. "It sometimes feels like I'm dying" He said. Louis held Harry tighter "sometimes I wish I just did" he then whispered. "Just what?" Louis asked curiously. "Just died" Harry replied, Louis' face completely dropped "why would you say that?" He questioned.

"I just I don't know sometimes I just feel that way. There's not much behind it I just feel worthless and unnecessary in life" Harry shrugged as if this was the most casual thing to be talking about. "Fuck, Hazza don't think like that. You are so important and you are amazing. I've known you a little over 2 weeks now and I can't even imagine my life without you" Louis said. Harry just looked down slightly before snuggling into Louis even more than he already was.

"Skip college on Monday" Louis said. "Wait what?, I can't " Harry rushed out "Harry, no one will care, skip and let me take you out on a date" He said. "Okay" Harry replied "really?" Louis questioned to make sure "yeah" Harry smiled. Not once since he had started college had he had a day off so he would just tell them he was sick or something they probably wouldn't even question.

"Lou, what exactly are we?" Harry questioned he had been wondering that since they kissed earlier. He felt like he had known Louis for ages but it had only been a few weeks, was this all too soon?

"I don't know, what do you want us to be?" Louis asked him. "I don't know" Harry replied "then let's just be us then yeah" Louis smiled "that sounds perfect Harry said. "It's 3am and I have to go into work today, maybe we should go to sleep now" Harry suggested as they began episode 17 of friends. "Sure" Louis said turning off the massive screen and the projector.

Harry and Louis walked down the hallway, Harry had the blanket wrapped around his shoulders as he was still absolutely freezing. He got to the door of the spare room and opened it "what are you doing?" Louis asked. "Going to bed" Harry replied. Louis shook his head and closed the door infront. "My room" He said. Harry smiled and they walked down the hall to Louis' room.

They walked in and Louis got into his bed while Harry just stood awkwardly. Louis sat up and pulled the hem of the top Harry was wearing down so that Harry fell onto the bed causing both of them to laugh "smooth" Harry whispered. "I wanna be little spoon" Harry mumbled turning around.

Louis happily moved his body behind Harry's and wrapped his arms around him. "Night Hazza" He whispered as he moved Harry's curls from his face. "Night boo bear" Harry replied, he looked so peaceful and happy right now that Louis didn't even get mad at the name.

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