Louis Tomlinson

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Louis Tomlinson he was loud, he was popular, he was rich. He went to the most expensive private school in England, he was the richest one there as well.

Louis was liked by everyone mainly because if you didn't like him then he would make your life hell. He mainly hung out with Zayn, Niall and Danielle, they all grew up together and have always been that one group in the school that no one messed with.

They weren't necessarily mean or anything they just had an unspoken power over everyone.

"I can't wait for you to meet Liam, he's really cool. You'll definitely like him" Danielle said as they all sat on one of the 15 people sofas in Louis' living room. "I don't get why you are dating someone from a public school" Zayn scoffed putting his legs up onto one of the tables infront of where he was sitting.

Now let me just give you and idea on how rich these people are. The shoes Zayn was wearing on his feet were £985 and the table he had just carelessly chucked his feet and shoes onto cost £1265 and to them this was considered cheap.

"Liam's a great guy, his money doesn't matter" Danielle said. "Well we'll see if he's okay tonight" Niall said. "Is he bringing anyone with him?" Louis asked.

"He's bringing his bestfriend, his name is Harry I think, apparently he's very quiet and shy but Liam said once you get to know him he's great" Danielle said.


"Guys Liam just text me, him and Harry have just left his house" Danielle said over loud music and everyone else talking. "Okay, and we promise we'll be nice to him" Louis said.

Danielle turned to see Liam walking towards her, she ran over and hugged him "is Harry here?" She asked. "Yeah, he's probably standing in a corner somewhere" Liam said.

This sounded kinda insensitive but Liam knew Harry much rather be there than in the middle of all these people and that Harry is okay with him leaving to go talk to people.

Louis walked over to Liam "hi I'm Louis" he said putting out his hand Liam took it and they shook hands. "I'm Zayn" the guy next to him said also shaking his hand. "I'm Niall" Niall said hugging him instead.

"Where's your friend?" Niall asked. Niall was a very social guy and lived making new friends. "Probably in one of the corners or against a wall" Liam said again. Niall nodded and wondered off, he wanted to introduce himself to Harry.

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