chapter 29

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Sorry it's taken so long, had a lot happen I guess. I don't really feel great about myself right now and I just want to feel happy so imma write a chapter of just pure fluff, I hope that's okay. It's also a bit shorter than usual. I'm sorry.

"Morning, you feeling okay?" Louis asked as Harry finally woke up in his arms. "Sore, but I feel great" Harry sleepily chuckled, "I'll go make breakfast and we can watch a film and just cuddle" Louis said sliding out from under Harry's body. "Sounds good, I'll be down in a minute" Harry said pushing his face into the pillow. "So I can't exactly cook but I'm pretty sure I can manage so toast or something" Louis said, "that's okay Lou, toast is fine. Can't go wrong there" Harry said.




Harry ran down the stairs ignoring the pain after he had hear numerous swear words leave Louis' mouth and the fire alarm filled the house.

"Louis just step away!"

"Louis I'm serious just leave it"

Once Louis stepped to the side Harry went over and immediately turned the plug off and then went to the cupboard to find a tea towel to use as a fire blanket. After a small moment of panic the fire was out and everything was okay, "right so I guess you can go wrong with toast" Harry laughed turning to see an embarrassed Louis.

"I'm sorry" he mumbled out, "it's fine, you want to help me make pancakes seeing as we can't use the toaster and no offense I don't trust you to make toast on the grill" Harry said looking for ingredients in the cupboards. "I wanted to make you breakfast, and I can't even do that" Louis said sadly, "it's fine, I like cooking, it's even more fun with you. I'll teach you how to cook lots of things, although it might be a long journey seeing as you can't make toast without almost killing us" Harry laughed as he pulled Louis in for a hug.

With Harry giving him very direct and short instructions Louis managed to make a whole batch of pancakes for him and Harry to have. "I did it" he smiled as they sat down to eat, "I know you did baby, I'm so proud of you" Harry replied, trying to get comfortable on the chair even though it was rather painful at first. "I might not be able to cook but at least I can fuck you good" Louis smirked, "maybe that's for the best, I'll cook for you and then you can fuck me so hard I forget my own name" Harry said with an innocent smile causing Louis to choke slightly on his pancake.

After cleaning up the mess in the kitchen and opening all the windows to clear the house of the burning smell they both went and cuddled on the sofa, they put on some music and just relaxed for a bit.

"Louis what's going to happen when we all go to university next year?" Harry asked looking up at Louis, "well Danielle and Liam are both going to America but said they would visit, Niall is always go to be obsessed with our relationship so theres no way we can get rid of him. Zee and Gi are only a few hours away and well we will be living together so I personally believe everything will work out great" Louis said, "I think it's so cool how we all ended up getting accepted to the same university as our boyfriends/girlfriends" Harry laughed, "we are all so lucky" Louis agreed.

"What do you think our wedding will be like?" Harry then asked, "it will be your dream wedding luv, I'll make it perfect for you, what do you want?" Louis replied, "I want to get married in the snow, be really extra like that" Harry said, Louis chuckled "that sounds like a great idea" he said. "I want a dress that makes me look like I'm the ice queen, so over the top, I want to look beautiful" Harry explained, "firstly you always look beautiful and if you want to look like an ice queen than you shall" Louis said.

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