chapter 9

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So far I have updated every day but now I'm back at college so it's not going to be updated as regularly but I will try my best and because I feel bad for not updating as much this chapter will be longer than the others.....enjoy x

"Hi Danielle I'm Geoff, Liam's dad. Its lovely to finally meet you" Geoff said as Liam introduced her to his parents. Karen said a similar thing and Danielle just politely introduced herself telling them it was great to meet them, and how much she liked there son. "She's a wonderful girl Liam, you made a good decision there" Geoff whispered to him.

The rest of the group introduced themselves and Karen and Geoff said hello to them all before then saying goodbye and leaving them all in the house. "Do you want a tour?" Liam asked awkwardly not knowing what to do. "Sure" Niall says. It was a very quick tour, they saw the kitchen and the Liam and Harry's rooms.

"You brought more flower crowns" Louis smiled as he walked into Harry's room and saw three flower crowns on his desk. "Yeah, Liam got me them" Harry replied watching as Louis intensely looked around Harry's room inspecting it. "Why aren't you wearing one now?" He asked walking over to them. "I took it off to have a shower before you all came and I just forgot to put one on" Harry shrugged. "May I?" Louis questioned pointing at them.

"Go ahead" Harry said. Louis looked at the three and picked one up bringing it over to Harry. Louis went up onto his tiptoes and Harry bowed his head slightly to make up for the slight height difference they had. Louis placed the crown on top of Harry's curls and fixed it carefully so it all looked right. He then stepped back and looked at Harry "perfect" he smiled. Harry blushed as he looked down at the floor.

"The flowers are the same colour as Louis eyes" Zayn chuckled as he looked up from his phone. "Look the jumper Louis is wearing is the same colour as Harry's eyes" Danielle pointed out. "This is some true soulmate shit" Niall said looking at the two of them. "Urh! I forgot to tell you but I have finished the wedding plan, it's all ready and not to you know toot my own horn but its fucking amazing!" Niall added. "Wedding?" Liam questioned. "Yes, the Larry wedding" Niall said proudly.

"Who's Larry?" Zayn questioned as Liam started to get them to all walk back downstairs. "Louis and Harry Duh!!!" Niall said as if Zayn was being the dumbest person on Earth. "And um why are they having a wedding?" Liam asked. "Well just look at them!!! They are like the perfect couple, they would look so cute together their children would be adorable and they are just soulmates!!!" Niall exclaimed his voice getting slightly louder with every word.

"Have I missed something here? Are you two together or something?" Zayn asked utterly confused by what Niall was saying. "No, Niall is just having some fun planning a wedding that won't happen because me and Harry aren't together and I don't believe in soul mates" Louis said. "yeah, Niall its really not going to happen like I'm sure what you have planned is because but me and Louis aren't soulmates" Harry said as they all walked into the living room.

"Whatever, but don't get annoyed when I interrupt your wedding to yell I TOLD YOU SO!" Niall said crossing his arms. Zayn just pat in on the back "it's okay, I see it too" he whispered so only Niall could hear. Niall's slight frown turned into a small smirk "welcome to the Larrie cult zaynie boy" Niall said. Zayn just rolled his eyes but he couldn't help but smile.

They stood there looking at the sofa, there was room for 3 people and then there was a chair separate from it. There was 6 of them and only 4 chairs and now me and Louis might not be great at maths but we both know that there is not enough seats for everyone.
(Me taking a-level maths and going "right so 5 boys 4 tents, 5 boys 4 dressing rooms, 5 boys 4 hotel rooms, 18 months equalling 5 if 4 + 5 is 9 which is half of 18 and then if I carry the 28 i get......GAY)

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