chapter 31

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I cried writing this because it is the last chapter before the epilogue and I genuinely love this book so much.

Also let's appreciate how cute that edit is 🥺

Once the alarm went off they packed all their bags, they were running on the 3 hours of sleep they had gotten before the phone call. Once everything was packed and they were in the taxi Harry message Alessia to explain that they were leaving early and that they would keep in touch and hopefully meet up again soon.

"What if something bad has happened to him?" Harry said as they were snuggled together on the plane anxiously waiting to get back. "He's going to be okay" Louis said even though he didn't even believe himself so how would Harry be able to. "What if he dies?" Harry asked. "See now that I can 100% say will not happen, that man will not die until he's seen our wedding" Louis said with a small laugh "now that is very true" Harry said managing to laugh as well.

Harry kept yawning as they talked about Niall, "go to sleep luv, you didn't get much last night" Louis said immediately playing with Harry's hair, "but Niall" Harry said but his eyes were already getting too heavy to keep open, "it's okay baby, I'll wake you up before we land" Louis whispered kissing Harry's forehead as he fell asleep in his arms.

Once they had landed they immediately found a taxi and asked them to head towards the hospital Niall was at, it was almost a 3 hour drive from Heathrow. Harry immediately fell back asleep resting against Louis.

Louis - how is everything we are on our way

Zack 💀 ~ he's doing okay we think, hasn't woken up yet but the doctors said that everything looked okay now

Louis - that's good, did they catch the guy?

Zack 💀 ~ No. Have you told Harry what actually happened?

Louis - No, I don't want to worry him. He's feeling so much better he sleeps pretty much every night now I don't want to ruin that

Zack 💀 ~ He'll find out at some point surely it's better he knows now

Louis - Zee I will tell him just not now

Zack 💀 ~ Louis!

Louis - Zayn...

Zack 💀 ~ just don't leave it too long

Louis - I'll tell him after we've seen Ni

Zack 💀 ~ Okay, well I'm going with the guys to go see him now so we will see you when you get here

Louis - okay, see you then.

"Haz, baby we are here wake up princess" Louis said softly placing kisses all over Harry's face as he woke up. They took all their bags and went into the hospital. It did look rather strange seeing two men walking into a hospital with suitcases but they didn't care they wanted to see Niall as soon as possible.

"Hi, where is Niall Horan?" Louis asked the lady at the front desk, "I'm sorry sir but theres already 8 people in there and there's not supposed to be more than 5" the lady explained not even looking up, "I'm sorry but we need to see him what room is he in?" Louis said, "sir as I said before, there's already too many people up there" she said. "Tell us the room or I'll tell my mum to stop donating money here" Louis finally said after thinking about it for a while, he knew he should use his power over money but seeing Niall was all that they wanted right now.

"And who would you're mother be" the lady said finally looking up "Johannah Tomlinson" Louis said smirking slightly at the ladies reaction "um sorry, he's on floor 3 room 17" she immediately said "thanks, have a good day" Louis said in a snarky voice, he grabbed Harry's hand with his free hand that wasn't pulling the suitcase and pulled him to the nearest lift, "she seemed mean" Harry said, "weird vibes" Louis added as they waited for the life to go up.

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