chapter 5

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They all walked into nando's and sat down. Everyone took it in turn to go and get food, Niall went up first after convincing everyone that if he didn't go up now he would pass out and die. Zayn went up with him but Zayn returned rather quickly with a plate that had the usual amount of food on it.

A while later Niall walked back to the table with a plate that was piled with food, its was all balanced on top of each other, there wasn't a single space that more food could be added. Harry and Liam looked absolutely shocked at Niall's plate. "Stop looking so surprised, you're going to have to get use to that" Danielle said as her and Liam got up to get their food.

"Niall! How are you almost finished" Harry asked looking at how the amount of food on Niall's plate had already halved. "What can I say Haz I'm a hungry boy" Niall said as he stuffed another lot of chicken in his mouth.

"C'mon Harold let's go get some food" Louis said as Danielle and Liam were walking back towards the table. Harry and Louis got up and grabbed a plate each. Harry was looking at how much this was going to cost him and genuinely he didn't have enough money. The £50 Louis had given him as a tip he had used to pay Liam for petrol this month so he had no money until he got paid at the end of the week.

He looked at the food and sighed, Louis was already piling food onto his plate. When he realised Harry wasn't following him anymore he stopped and turned around. "Hey, I said I would pay for you" Louis said. "It's fine I'm not hungry" Harry whispered as he put his plate back down and walked back to the table.

Louis sighed and continued putting food on his plate. "Haz, why don't you have anything?" Niall asked. "I'm just not hungry" Harry replied but his stomach knew he was lying because it was completely empty and was making rumbling sounds. Liam leaned over to him "I said I would pay for you, go get something" he whispered. "It's fine Li, I'll just get something when we are at home" he replied back.

"Woah, Louis you're turning into Niall" Zayn said as Louis sat down with a plate just as full as Niall's. "It's not all for me, I'm sharing with Harry" Louis said as he picked up a second fork and handed it to Harry. Harry hesitantly took the fork "Louis it's okay, you don't have to share with me" Harry said quietly.

"Harry luv, I can't eat this much. It would be a shame to waste it" Louis said as he began eating. Harry tried to hide his smile but his dimples came through as he started to eat food from Louis' plate.

When they all finished their food they all went and paid for it, Harry felt really bad for not paying anything. "Urm I can pay you back next time i see you" Harry said awkwardly playing with his hands as they walked back towards Louis' house. "It's okay don't worry about it. I already told you I can be your sugar daddy" Louis smirked.

Harry didn't know how to reply so just looked down at the floor. "I need to pay you back somehow" he finally said. "Well I mean there's lots of ways you could pay you back" Louis whispered so no one else could hear them. Harry practically froze in place. Louis laughed "it's okay Haz I won't make you do that....not just yet anyway" Louis said. Harry just shook his head and nervously laughed. "Its okay Harold, you can pay me back by letting my sisters do your hair, they really enjoyed that" Louis said as they started walking again to catch everyone up.


"Harry are you okay?" Liam said as he saw Harry shivering slightly, he was the only one without a jumper, only because he couldn't exactly afford anything nice so he didn't own many warm clothes. " 'M just a bit cold" he said through his chattering teeth. "Did you not bring a jacket?" Zayn asked. Harry shook his head "I don't have anything like that" he said quietly, feeling quite embarrassed.

He was hanging out with some of the richest kids and he couldn't even pay for his meal and he didn't own anything that could keep him warm.

"Let's go in here" Louis said pulling them all into a shop. "What are we doing in here?" Danielle asked. "We are buying a something for Harry" Louis said as he began to flick through all the clothes. "Guys I'm fine, and I don't have any money I can't pay for it" Harry said worried.

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