chapter 4

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"You ready?" Liam asked as Harry ran over to him on the field. "Sure" Harry replied as they walked towards Liam's house. They dropped their bags inside "I'm going to have a quick shower, I kinda smell a bit from football practice" Liam said as he lifted off his shirt, throwing it into the wash before heading up to the shower upstairs.

As Harry would have to wait for Liam he decided he may as well have a shower as well, he ran up to his room and grabbed his shampoo and a towel and then went to the downstairs shower to quickly wash. He got out and dried his curls off as much as he could with the towel.

He grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain white top, he quickly chucked it all on and then looked in the mirror. His curls had all stuck up in different directions where he didn't fix them quick enough while they were still wet. He quickly went back into the bathroom and got his hands wet, he ran his fingers through his curls until they were all sorted.

"Let's go Haz" Liam said as he ran down the stairs practically bouncing off each one. He smelled of very strong aftershave "trying to impress Danielle, are we?" Harry teased. Liam just blushed and looked at the ground. He shook his head and grabbed his keys and walked out to his car Harry followed behind him smirking at he whipped he was.

They started the car and drive to Louis' house. "I don't think I'm ever going to get over how big this house is" Liam said as they drive up the gravel pathway. "It's ridiculous how big it is, did you know there's 20 rooms, plus a kitchen and staff area all on the bottom floor!" Harry said as they parked.

"What! That's ridiculous! How did you know that?" Liam asked. "Oh, Niall told me when we were here for the party" Harry said. "Oh aha. That's just ridiculous tho and that's only one floor....are you sure that's right?" Liam questioned completely stunned at the size. When they had last come here it was night time so the house was dark and they couldn't see it well so it looked even bigger now.

"Well that's definitely what Niall said" Harry replied as they walked up to the door. They rang the bell "just come in" Niall's voice came through the speaker. Liam opened the door and the two of them walked into the massive living area.

All of them were sat on one of the sofas on the far said of the room it was a circular sofa with a gap in it for people to walk in and sit down. They walked over and Liam went a sat next to Danielle put the second he sat down she move so she was on his lap. Harry just awkwardly sat down next to Niall not exactly sure where else to sit.

"I want to be in a relationship like that" Niall pouted while he looked at Danielle and Liam. He then smiled and turned to Harry. "Harry styles will you be my no homo boyfriend?" He asked. Harry laughed "of course, I would love that" Harry replied. Niall practically squealed with happiness and then got up and placed himself on Harry's lap.

Harry wrapped his arms around Niall and they sat like Danielle and Liam were. " C'mon Tommo we can't be the only ones not being all coupley" Zayn said opening his arms. Louis tried to just glare at him but he wouldn't say no to his best friend so he got up and cuddled into Zayn as he sat on his lap. (I miss Zouis)

"Well this is all completely normal" Liam said looking around. Him and Harry had only met them earlier that week he was kinda surprised they had allowed them into their little group so quickly. "Liam mate you were the one who started it" Niall said. "Well actually it was Dani because she sat on my lap" Liam protested.

"Don't blame me, for just wanting to be with my boyfriend, you guys are the weird ones" was all she said in return.
They all just went round and talked about what classes they took as Liam and Harry didn't know Danielle, Louis, Zayn and Niall that well yet and vice versa, well obviously Danielle and Liam knew each other.

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