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The two friends smiled at xiao zhan, standing on either side making xiao zhan to stand at the centre, Clara pointed the way while smiling widely, zhan couldn't help it but laugh lightly, the three walked inside the school, with Eric and Clara asking nonstop questions, zhan gladly answered all their questions, if it was before then he could have been stuttering nonstop and feeling all shy, but then for the past few months he has been interacting with his cousin's and he will regard them as his family and at the same time friends, most of them are his age mates, after so many years, finally he was able to have real friends and family not people who were just pretending to care but in reality they're just backstabbing him on the back.

"I used to study here year's ago, i am familiar with the school, thank you so much for bringing me here, i will go inside now, you guy's can go to class first." Zhan said.

"No, we will wait for you here, you know people here always exclude us because we are somehow weird, you know just because both of us put on glasses, they take us as people who are so, you know, so we won't mind if you will join our group and be our friend, but if you don't want to, we can still understand." Eric who was the one being talkative said, xiao zhan smiled and patted Eric shoulder.

"No matter how you two are, i won't mind being your friend, i was afraid people will isolate me like before, but now I am happy if you two won't mind being my friends." Zhan answered and entered the principal office. Clara and Eric were beyond excited, finally they have someone whom they will call friend and on top of that it's a beautiful friend.

"Great, finally we have someone who doesn't despise us! He is so cool but chose people like us!" Clara shouted excitedly, the two waited for xiao zhan to come out of the principals office.

"Good morning sir." Xiao zhan greeted the old man respectfully, the principal lifted his head and looked at the person infront of him, seeing it is xiao zhan he smiled.

"Have a seat xiao zhan, i was already informed that you will be coming to school today, you used to be our best student, but then you suddenly dropped out of school, i tried getting in contact with you but i heard you travelled out of the country when i managed to talk to your mother, i was really sad loosing a good student like you." The principal said sadly, zhan forced a smile, how could he afford to travel outside the country when food was a problem! Let alone sleeping in an comfortable environment was a problem!.

"I am now here sir, i will surely make you proud, i will work hard and reach your expectations." Zhan answered, making the principal to node his head in satisfaction, he was very sad when he lost such an excellent student, but now he is finally, back, xiao zhan spoke with principal a little longer before he left and left with his friends to class, the teachers who heard of xiao zhan return they couldn't help it but smile, finally a student who always amazes everyone is back!.

Zhan got a class together with Clara and Eric, since they were also finalist just like xiao zhan, though xiao zhan stopped going to school for year's, since he was in junior high school, but now he is back, as a finalist!. Xiao zhan arrived at his class and found the teacher was already in class, Clara and Eric rushed inside, zhan since he can be regarded as a new student was instructed to introduce himself, some of the students in the class recognised xiao zhan, he used to their class representative and the president of their school when he was just a junior student, zhan was really loved by many.

Li zhan who was quite all this time looking at xiao zhan with hate sneered when xiao zhan introduced himself, just because he is now living well doesn't mean he is so great. Clara and Eric waved at xiao zhan, zhan nodded his head and took out his books and the lesson started, the class went well, after the class has ended xiao zhan refused to go out, he had Clara and Eric go to the canteen and he chose to eat the food prepared by his dad.

"So the little slut decided to return to school, are you not scared of other people knowing what kind of a whore you actually are." Li zhan who approached xiao zhan and forcefully took away one of the lunchbox xiao zhan was holding on his hand.

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