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Yibo arrived at xiao zhan parents house and as he has expected everyone to be present, since chen zhan got discharged even if he hasn't recovered and unconscious, but the bill was getting higher, they decided to bring him home and get the treatment back home. Wang yibo visit was so sudden, he didn't alert anyone, the Zhan family were surprised and at the same time nervous seeing wang yibo coming to their house.

"Hi father in law ,concubine." Yibo greeted both xiao zhan dad and madam zhan, both madam zhan and Mr jiang zhan nodded. Yibo sat down and didn't cause a ruckus.

"Why the sudden visit master wang yibo, you didn't even inform us." Mr jiang asked yibo who smiled.

"Nothing much, few days ago something happened back at my house, right now my wife is very sad." Yibo answered, the people present looked at each other, rose who was also present rolled her eyes but seeing wang yibo eyeing her, her face turned pale in an instant.

"W-what happened to my son for him to be sad?" Mr jiang asked worried, even if he is not a good father, but xiao zhan is still his son.

"Nothing much, my wife pet met and unfortunate accident, i came here because the death of my pet was caused by someone from here." Yibo answered making everyone present to start looking at each other, yibo didn't waste time, his gaze landed on Rose who immediately got up.

"I killed the so called pet, he is not a human anyway, what? Are you here to kill me?" Rose asked sarcastically, yibo ignored rose words, keeping quite for a while, yibo opened his closed his eye's.

"I had the intention of killing you when i was on my way here, i wanted your head, but then i realised, why should i waste my precious time to kill someone whose parents doesn't even know how to bring up their children." Yibo answered, his sarcasm was felt by everyone else, madam zhan head lowered, she is very sure those words were directed to her, he is clearly stating she is not a good mother. But she is not going to say that loud, she doesn't have the courage to talk back.

"Rose stop talking, why did you have to go and cause trouble for your brother?" Mr jiang asked her daughter who only rolled her eyes, if these people are so scared of this pyscho then she isn't, whatever she did was not wrong, she seeked justice for his brother.

"Master yibo or whatever, what do you want me to do? Since you don't want to kill me." Yibo pointed his index finger at the disrespectful little girl, this concubine, she has no single characteristics of being a mother or a role model to her kids, yibo looked at Mr jiang, his eyes clearly shows, what kind of a concubine did you marry?. Mr jiang could only lower his head in shame.

"Recently i have been in a good mood, because my wife has been so good to me, but then i feel a bit moody for the past few day's, rose i didn't come here to preach, i want you to come with me and ask for forgiveness." Yibo answered and got up from his seat, rose eyes went wide.

"I would rather die than ask that bastard child for. ..."


"Say that again, and i will have you regret the day you were born! Concubine enlighten your daughter who is the bastard child now!" Yibo who has slapped rose and she now laying down on the floor with a red swollen face, everyone present swallowed hard.

"Rose, i....i. ..I am the concubine, so naturally you and your two brothers are the bastard kids." Madam Zhan answered with a  trembling voice, her heart was already boiling in hate. Rose who was still on the floor burst into tears.

"Rose get up, we are getting late." Yibo added, rose stood up, looked at wang yibo with hate, she ran towards the balcon and jumped down from the second floor, madam zhan immediately fainted, her daughter her only daughter. Yibo shrugged his shoulders.

"She is so impossible, Mr jiang, i really have no hand in this." Yibo said with a smile on his face, he left with his bodyguards,  he called xiao zhan and informed him, his sister rose committed suicide. He knows what to expect, because the next second he heard the butler calling the unconscious xiao zhan, the driver sighed inwardly, his boss really is so straightforward, he doesn't even know how to talk to someone better.

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