A week has already passed, zhan was busy with studies and he didn't even know the two boy's from zhan clan didn't come to school, the exam took three day's, zhan with his two new friends studied hard, zhan helped the two since they were weak, he didn't mind spending the whole day helping his two friends understand better, by the time the exams has come to an end, everyone was excited since tonight they will have a party where you will wear anything that you feel like wearing, if you wanna look like a Barbie doll, a princess, or any kinda of animal you want to be your free to put on anything you want no restrictions.
"How was the exams?" Zhan asked his two friends after the exam has ended, you could hear students talking loudly on the hallways since the exam has ended and they will be gone for a break for three weeks before resuming back to school and tonight the whole school will be having a party at their big hall, students were busy talking, planning on what they're going to wear tonight.
"The exam was good, thanks you for helping me xiao zhan, I am so lucky to have you as my best friend!" Eric shouted happily and hugged xiao zhan, zhan chuckled, this boy behaves like a five years old baby, he is very sure the boy who will fall in love with him then he will be in a lot of trouble. "It was great, I am sure i will get great grades and my parents will be surprised." Clara who is less talkative answered, zhan smiled.
"Are you coming to the party tonight xiao zhan? Please say yes!" Eric asked xiao zhan all excited, zhan who planned not to come shook his head immediately, he is really not comfortable.
"I have been busy preparing for the exams, i will sleep early tonight you guy's can come alone." Zhan answered making Eric and Clara to look at him sadly.
"Please don't say no, if your scared or embarrassed of what your going to wear, then you don't have to worry, Clara here is a great stylist." Eric said all excited, zhan kept quite for a while thinking, coming to interact with other students is not really a bad thing, the other students really treats him well, apart from li zhan who used to make his school life a hell, but no one else really bothered with him.
"Fine i will come with you guys tonight, i only have to ask permission from my dad, but i will not guarantee you guy's if my dad will say yes." Zhan answered knowing well what to expect from his dad.
"Don't worry we will go with you first before going home to get ready." Clara added, the three walked out of the school premises, the school looks empty since everyone left to get ready, zhan was sure by six in the evening the school will be lively, zhan driver came and took zhan with his two friends, arriving back to his husband penthouse, Clara and Eric couldn't help but admire the place, the place looked extremely luxurious.
"Zhan you really live here alone with your cousin after your husband travelled?" Eric asked amazed, yeah zhan told his friends of him married excluding the part of his husband being the king of the underworld and him being a royal member of the phoenix holy clan.
"Yeah feel at home, i will get you guy's something, my dad must be on his way here." Zhan had his two friends sit down, he went to the kitchen and got some refreshments and snacks for his friends, Clara and Eric ate happily, zhan took a small piece of cake for himself and headed to his room to get changed living his friends eating while playing around.
Mr jiang as expected arrived ten minutes later and found two people playing around while eating, their voices died down within seconds when they saw xiao zhan dad.
"H-hi uncle." Both Clara and Eric greeted Mr jiang with a stuttering voice, Mr jiang smiled, these two kids looks so timid.
"You don't have to be so scared, you must be xiao zhan friends, he already told me about you two, feel at home." Mr jiang said gently, the two nodded their heads and looked at Mr jiang who was smiling at them.
"Well Mr jiang, w-we came to ask permission to have your son join the school party that will happen tonight, you don't have to be worried at all, we will take good care of your son." Eric started talking immediately, zhan who was standing not far from where they were smiled, it seems like his friends wants him to attend the school party.
"Since you guy's will protect him, then fine, you three can go to the party, just take good care of yourselves. The principal already called and informed me, you guy's can stay here and everything will be done." Mr jiang answered, Eric and Clara squealed loudly but they immediately covered their mouths, they thanked Mr jiang and approached xiao zhan with wide smiles on their faces.
"Xiao zhan let's get ready! Let's show those people how beautiful we can be!" Eric shouted and xiao zhan took them to one of the guest room, they have to list the things they needed and Mr jiang will get everything they need. Xiao zhan decided to transform to his real form but hide the phoenix holy mark on his forehead to prevent suspicion. He ordered a white hanfu with red embroidery and a white jade hairpin that will match with the robe he will put on.
Guess which surprise awaits our dear pregnant bunny at the school party?

Tame The Untamed (Married To A Psycho) ✅
FanfictionYizhan fanfic Cover by @Da-ya-vi