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"What do you want to do now? You can't be running about all the time?" The commander who is now regretting giving himself a work of babysitting a baby he didn't know this kid will be a real deal, he has learnt a lesson never to babysit a special kid again, he will surely have a headache because of being overly stressed. Never will he engage himself with kids.

"Play!" Wang xiu shouted making wang yibo commander to collapse on the floor, since when did kids have so much stamina to play for hours?. Wang Xiu left the exhausted commander and ran God knows where.

'Stop, he is our other half, if we continue like this we are going to hurt him.' Yibo tried to speak with the beast within, which resurfaced because of the aphrodisiac, one thing he never allows his other side to take over, was because it never knew something called remorse or guilty of whatever he has done, he doesn't remember the last time he allowed him to take over, because he really caused a lot of trouble.

'He is my mate, you have been having him for long, and now that i have finally got to taste him, forget about me not having fun too!' The beast answered and blocked wang yibo completely, now he is using the aphrodisiac to do this, hurting his wife, xiao zhan will surely misunderstand him if this comes to an end. He really has no idea how he is going to explain everything after this is all over.

'Actually, i have been wanting to tell you something, but i guess i shouldn't, hurt him if you want to, i don't care anymore.' Yibo words made the beast within to relax, the moment he lost focus, yibo took control quckily and pulled out, the aphrodisiac in him has already worn out, yibo looked at xiao zhan who was completely out, he lowered his head and luckily found his baby's heartbeat is still there, yibo relaxed and carried xiao zhan to clean him, he really has bruised him seriously down there, he carefully cleaned him and applied him some ointment.

"I am sorry wifey, it's my fault, i couldn't control myself and endangered your life and that of our baby." Yibo whispered and pulled the unconscious xiao zhan closer to his body. Leaving kisses on xiao zhan face, yibo walked out of his room only to see wang xiu running around, he swiftly picked him up making wang xiu to squeal happily when he realised who it was.

"Daddy!" Wang xiu shouted while kicking his little legs in the air happily, yibo was surprised, wang xiu has never been so active like today, he is now curious what made wang xiu to be so happy.

"Yes baby, tell daddy what made you so happy?" Yibo asked but instead of getting an answer, he heard wang xiu giggle even more loudly, yibo returned back to his room with wang xiu who immediately pryed out of wang yibo arms and ran towards xiao zhan, getting up the big dragon bed, wang xiu started rubbing his face with xiao zhan chest.

"Mama." Wang xiu said and started whimpering, yibo face palmed, one minute he is happy and the next minute he is about to cry. Now where did this moods came from, he was fine minutes ago. Zhan who felt his son's closeness opened his eyes, zhan didn't even move a limb, he can't feel his whole body and that is all wang yibos fault, just because he refused him since yesterday, he decided to fuck him without his consent, he intentionally wanted to hurt him and his unborn baby, wang yibo who met xiao zhan eye's swallowed hard, no words came out of xiao zhan mouth, but with just a stare, he knew better more than anyone else what that stare means.

"B-baby don't cry, mommy was almost dead today, luckily i survived." Zhan said with his hoarse voice, with difficulty he lifted his hand and patted wang xiu back gently, wang xiu calmed down and closed his eye's to sleep. Yibo who was still standing walked closer and moved wang xiu away from xiao zhan, and he let him sleep on the bed properly.

"Wi. ..." Yibo started talking but he shut his mouth when xiao zhan lifted his hand.

"Don't even think of talking to me or calling me your wife, I am not your wife, if i was really your wife, y-you. ...y-you couldn't have raped me! Your no different than those shameless people out there! Forcing yourself on me! I even begged you to stop! But you never listened to me! You even dared to use your power's to suppress me! How could you be a good husband! Your just a rapist! Don't you dare touch me again in your life! Once i feel better! I will take my son and get away from you! I don't need a husband like you!" Zhan shouted in tears, he never even once expected his husband will force him to have sex without his consent, he is no different from a rapist.

"Let me explain wifey, i was. .."

"I don't want to listen to a rapist! Your voice disgusts me! Get lost!" Zhan held his stomach in pain, yibo tried to touch xiao zhan but his hands were immediately slapped away.

Tame The Untamed  (Married To A Psycho) ✅Where stories live. Discover now