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My good boy, you have suffered a lot, don't worry mother is here now, he will take good care of you, my good son." Zhan said in tears, the little boy looked at xiao zhan face and didn't utter a word. Lowering his head zhan kissed his baby's forehead making the baby to flinch, zhan felt even more guilty and sad, his baby is very timid, he is even scared of him. Zhan attention was on his baby who was looking at him, he seems to be confused or maybe curious of this person carrying him and calling him his good boy, zhan didn't bother what's happening infront of him, his only attention was his son.

"Take her back to the underworld, i will deal with her slowly after i have returned, she has some unanswered questions." Yibo told his commander and his gaze landed on xiao zhan whose attention was on the baby in his arms. The commander vanished with the banished angel whose powers were already taken away by wang yibo and now she is worse than a human, and the pain inflicted by xiao zhan when she received the beating of her life will make her life a living hell, atleast she could have tried to endure the pain before with her powers but now she feel like dying.

"Sire please have mercy! I was forced to do it! Please give me a. ..." The pleading of the banished angel faded away once the commander dissapered, yibo approached xiao zhan and looked at the baby closely.

"He looks like you wifey, he is so cute, here let me return his remaining soul and we can take him to the hospital." Zhan smiled and sat down, with his son still in his arms, the necklace on his neck vanished and appeared infront of the baby, the crystal was glowing even more brightly, the baby closed his eye's tightly and subconsciously hid his face on xiao zhan chest, zhan and yibo smiled, zhan patted his son back gently, his action made the tensed baby relax and closed his eye's and was carried away with sleep, yibo transferred the remaining soul to the baby and within minutes he was already done.

The two went back home first, zhan cleaned his baby's wounds and dirt from his body, he looks so skinny, looking at his baby who he thought has died, zhan remembered his life back when he used to live at the zhan clan after his mother's death, it seems like his son also met the same fate, his poor baby is just an innocent child, he has no idea what has happened to him all these years.

"I have noticed he doesn't make a sound or react in any way, he seems very sensitive to noise, yibo let's take him to the hospital for checkup." Zhan said witha worried voice, yibo nodded his head and picked the little boy and the three left, arriving at the hospital, it was already mid morning, zhan was exhausted, but he forced himself to stay awake, but yibo convinced him to sleep, he has already done enough, he will take care of everything else, since the doctor knows wang yibo well, he provided a comfortable room for xiao zhan and the baby to sleep while the investigation was ongoing.

Zhan woke up the second day to find wang yibo was sitted with his baby who is already awake and looking at wang yibo who was talking to him, only to recieve a silent answer, but yibo seems not to be annoyed at all. Zhan smiled and got up from bed.

"Good morning sir husband and my good boy." Zhan said and kissed his son forehead and wang yibo cheek, the baby assessed xiao zhan up and down then opened his mouth, but no words came out of his mouth.

"C'mon baby you can do it, say mama." Yibo said excited, zhan was surprised, but he was also excited to hear his son's voice and hear him say mom, he just doesn't know how he will feel, the boy seeing the two looking at him expectantly he opened his mouth again.

"M-mama." The baby said, zhan squealed and hugged his son tightly, tears of happiness falling down his beautiful face.

"You heard that, my baby called me mama! My good son just called me mama." Zhan shouted and showered his baby boy face with kisses, yibo hugged his small family and smiled too.

"The results came earlier, the doctor said our son is autistic, his communication will be harder and he needs our attention since he is a special kid, we can find a specialist who will help him, we are also here, everything will be alright." Yibo added and kissed xiao zhan hair, his hand was slowly playing with the baby's small cute face. Zhan heard of kids being autistic, and how they suffered just because they are not like other kids, zhan knows well, he is not going to let his son suffer, he is going to take good care of him, his husband is here to take good care of him and his son too.

"Mother we just left when that creature appeared, what about my son? Is he going to suffer forever?" Madam Zhan asked furious, the old lady looked at her sharply.

"Your lucky your now alive and everyone else is alive, that person you saw is xiao zhan! It never crossed my mind even once that, that bastard child is from the phoenix holy clan and ontop of that a descendant of the legendary fox! If i knew i could have just killed him like his father and mother before all of this happened, and now i don't even know if the angel survived!" The old lady shouted furious.

"If you keep talking about this and that and you will not help my son, i will personally go confront that little piece of shit xiao zhan to cure my son! Else i will make him pay for whatever he has done!" Madam Zhan shouted and walked away with his son, chen zhan all this time was quite, maybe he should visit xiao zhan tommorow and have a talk with him. He used to treat him well before even if it was just a pretence.

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