By the time the teachers and students realised what was happening, xiao zhan was long gone, everyone was so engrossed with the dance, they have really never seen someone who can dance so beautifully like xiao zhan, his movements were so unique and enticing, the dance was actually on point, even when another man who was extremely handsome appeared, the people seems to be hypnotised since they couldn't react but rather watch the show infront of them.
The school started searching for xiao zhan afraid that he must be kidnapped, they even called the police and explained what happened, but then two hours later the principal called and informed them the person who took xiao zhan away was his husband, their's nothing to worry, xiao zhan is now back home and safe, everyone relaxed, without any explanation they knew who is the person who going to get the present, the present will be given to him once they resume back to classes after three weeks break.
"He didn't inform us he is leaving, now we are stuck here, how are we going to get back home?" Eric asked worried, it's almost five in the morning and they're still here, they left their phones at xiao zhan place, Eric and Clara were about to find other means to go back home, when a black car arrived, Eric and Clara recognised the person who came out, it's xiao zhan personal driver.
"I will take you back to my boss's place, you will spend the night at his place and return back home tommorow, he is really sorry he kept you waiting?" The driver said, the two didn't mind, they understand their friends husband's came back so it's understandable when he returns home first and forgot about them, his husband is more important because he has been gone for months, but they're happy, he still remembers about them, he even sent his driver to drive them back.
"I know he is our real friend, he will always remember us, because we have a special place in his heart." Eric told Clara who nodded her head in agreement, the two arrived at the penthouse and they were shown where they will spend their night, a light meal was brought over to them, after they had shower and eaten something, they immediately retired to bed in their rooms exhausted, the two slept off immediately.
"What's your relationship with those two? Why are you treating them so well?" Yibo asked not happy at all, his wifey should care about him only, in his heart he should only have him, not include some other strangers he doesn't even know."They're my best friends, actually they're very nice, a boy his name is Eric and a submissive gay and the girl her name is Clara she is actually a lesbian, so you don't have to be jealous." Zhan answered but wang yibo kept sulking.
"You must pay complete attention to me, you should not be caring about others! I am your husband and most important, as for other's, they don't deserve your attention at all! Your only mine!" Yibo answered and hugged xiao zhan tightly.
"But i..." Xiao zhan kept quite and closed his eye's, he will never win when arguing with a jealous husband. Becoming jealous with everyone, he has never seen someone who is so impossible like his husband. Zhan was already exhausted, his husband eating him several times, he has no energy to argue with his husband, he immediately slept off, yibo left the bed and went to the sitting room, he ordered the chef who was still awake to prepare some black coffee without sugar for him, getting his coffee with no sugar, yibo excused everyone, his commander appeared and knelt down before him.
Yibo took out the pill he was given when he was little and handed it over to the commander, when he visited the phoenix holy clan frequently, the poison in inside of him which was already transfered to many organs of his body was frozen, when he returned back to the underworld, he slowly melted the poison with his powers and forced it to come into one place before freezing it again and forcing it out, the poison returned to its original form which is the pill given to the commander.
"Find what ingredients was used to make this poison, then report it to me by tommorow, and what did you find on the zhan clan?" Yibo instructed then asked a question.
"Sire, the place has a barrier which was obviously made by an angel, but it wasn't strong enough to stop me, i found a banished angel in the residence, she was banished years ago and she is the only angel who managed to escape with half his powers, most of the generals from heaven tried to find her but she hid well, i don't know what tricks she has learnt for all these years for her to be able to hide so well." The commander reported, yibo smirked, as expected all tricky cases will be solved by the underworld soldiers, because only evil can be able to tackle another evil perfectly well.
"Fine you can go, send someone else to check what she is planning." Yibo instructed and let the commander go, he returned back to his room and retired to bed, hugging his wife in his arms.

Tame The Untamed (Married To A Psycho) ✅
FanfictionYizhan fanfic Cover by @Da-ya-vi