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Xiao zhan father was still unconscious after the poison was eliminated from his body. Wang yibo on the other hand was given a portion to help him feel better and repel the energy that was trying to harm him, within an hour he was already fine, getting up the guards who were on watch got alert.

"You really don't have to be scared of me, i will not hurt anyone of you in anyway, my demon form almost got exposed because of the holy barrier you guy's created, i meant no harm." Yibo said and lifted his hands in surrender, he know he has some questions to answer, and as expected he again got tied up and was taken to see the king, he saw xiao zhan smiling and talking happily with the old man, the way he is happy and freely laughing someone might think xiao zhan knew this person for year's.

"Sire, wang yibo greets you,I am sorry coming to your premises without your permission, but i have to because your grandson is my legally wedded wife, and it is my greatest honour to meet my partners grandpa." Yibo bowed down respectfully, xiao zhan who was slightly frowning pouted.

"Grandpa, why did you have those people tie my husband's hands, he really is a good person!" Zhan complained while pouting.

"Fine, fine, grandpa will be worried when his favourite and only grandson is sad, hey untie my grandson husband, why did you have to treat him as a criminal!" The old man instructed, one of the guards immediately untied wang yibo, zhan smiled and waved at wang yibo happily, he wanted to go and hug husband but he couldn't for now even if he missed his husband so much, wang yibo has questions to answer, and xiao zhan is also curious to know.

"So tell me wang yibo, what are you? We know you're a demon, but we can't tell exactly tell what you were." The old man asked, wang yibo smiled and bowed down respectfully.

"My mother is rhea and my father is cronus, back to my kingdom they call me Hades the king of the underworld and ruler of the dead, I've been living in the human world for year's and adopted everything here, my powers got sealed and I am a normal human now which led to me getting poisoned, due to this  i mistakenly killed my father and crippled my mother, i can't go back or do anything because of my powers getting sealed by the zhan clan." Yibo answered, the old man hearing the name Hades he trembled,  that's why he couldn't tell what kind of a demon he is.

Xiao zhan was excited, getting up from where he was sitted, he ran towards wang yibo and jumped on wang yibo, wrapping his legs around wang yibo waist, yibo wrap his hands around xiao zhan waist.

"I never knew i had such a cool husband, no matter what happens to you, i will stay by your side forever." Zhan said lovingly and kissed wang yibo lips, the old man immediately looked away.

"People these day's has no shame at all, kissing infront of the elders, such a bad behaviour!" The old whispered totally embarrassed, this will surely go out, the kings grandson kissed his husband infront of the king, not only that, the prince was the one who initiated the kiss. Yibo broke the kiss and looked at his beautiful wife.

"Your so bold my beautiful wife." Yibo said lovingly, zhan blushed and got down, he then ran back to his grandpa.

"Grandpa I am now done kissing my husband, you can now reassure him even if he comes from the lan clan, you will accept him and also not hurt the people from the clan, you know they're innocent, it is all the zhan clan fault,they caused everything and hurt a lot of innocent, i know my grandpa is wise and will make wise decisions." Zhan said, the old man sighed.

"My dear grandson you will never understand, my people, my own family got killed infront of my eye's, they mercilessly killed my kind without mercy, even if i didn't see rhea or cronus who were actually quite good acquatances of mine together with that old man called lan, but in one way or the other, these people from the lan clan hurt my family, the hate and revenge i carried for year's could not easily be erased." The old man answered, yibo who was listening to what the old man has said, he can clearly understand how he feels.

"Sire i understand how you feel, if i were in your shoes, i couldn't even let my grandson  be near someone who is an enemy, i know and i can see your not a bad person, it's very rare to find someone as good as you, right I am worse than human, it won't be a big problem for you to completely eliminate me, but you never did that, I am still here fine and kicking." Yibo answered respectfully, the old man looked at the young man infront of him, he doesn't look so bad, he is a good person, his grandson will be safe with this man,  he doesn't have to worry.

"You think i will easily let you have my grandson, prove it to me that you were worthy of being my grandson husband, men tie him up!" The old man shouted surprising xiao zhan, the old man secretly winked at xiao zhan who was panicking when he heard his grandpa's words,

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