The day wang yibo spoke with xiao zhan grandpa, he returned back home when it was already nine at night, wang xiu who got moody that day and spent most of the time crying was now asleep, zhan had to spend the whole day coaxing wang xiu, zhan was still sitted close to the cot watching wang xiu who has just slept.
"Hi wifey. ..sorry I am late, i was talking with grandpa." Yibo said and kissed xiao zhan lips, zhan looked away and pushed yibo away.
"Stop, I am tired, i need to shower and sleep now." Zhan answered and walked away, yibo sighed, pregnancy moods again, he will talk to him after he is back with what he talked with xiao zhan grandpa earlier. Zhan returned after few minutes, a towel wrapped around his waist, his chest is bare, his nipples were somehow swollen, it made xiao zhan look so cute, his face and skin got even more smooth and it is glowing, yibo always has a hard time controlling himself, recently he has been eating his wife nonstop.
Zhan put on his pajamas pants, yibo got up and walked clothes to xiao zhan, he touched xiao zhan now protruding stomach, yibo lowered his head and kissed xiao zhan stomach, since he is carrying an angel child, the growth of the baby will be rapid, zhan stomach has grown and someone might think he is already four months pregnant when he is actually almost two months pregnant, the pregnancy will at most take seven or six months, before the baby is born.
"I missed you wifey, being away from you made me feel lonely." Yibo said and kissed xiao zhan stomach again, zhan put on the pajama shirt and walked away.
"Yeah, you went to stay at the phoenix clan leaving me all alone, so unfair, wang xiu caused trouble today, and your you were not here to help me." Zhan complained and layed down on bed, his back facing wang yibo, yibo placed xiao zhan feet on his lap and gently massaged them.
"It's my fault, forgive me wifey, i will not do it again, by the way your grandpa wants to sue the zhan clan, he wants the people involved with the rape case to be Broughton to justice." Yibo said making xiao zhan to stiffen, zhan sat down on bed and looked at wang yibo sharply.
"Don't even think of taking this issue to the police, i don't want to to create unnecessary attention, my son is autistic, i don't want to put any pressure towards him, leave it be, i no longer care." Zhan answered getting angry, he is not going to have them arrested, he is going to kill them, he doesn't need any help.
"But it's not so bad as you think, with your story, I am sure you will help a lot of people out there who might be in the same situation as you before." Yibo words made xiao zhan to get angry.
"You want to help others, go ahead i don't care! You want to go report a case about rape go ahead and do it, just don't mention my name or that of my sons! I don't want my son to suffer in future just because everyone knows he is a kid who was delivered out of rape! He is happy now and i want him to remain that way! I doubt now if you really care about me or my baby!" Zhan shouted making wang xiu to start crying, yibo was about to pick him up when zhan pushed him away and took wang xiu in his arms.
"Don't get angry, i really didn't mean that way, i just want you to get justice, and your very wrong when you said i don't care about you or our son, i really care and love you both." Yibo answered and tried to touch xiao zhan, but zhan moved back.
"Get out! I don't want to see you! Your going to sleep on the coach! You want to find justice, fine go find someone else! But i don't need your help!" Zhan shouted and pushed wang yibo out of the room, closing the door with a bang. Going back to bed, zhan hmmed a song to calm down the now whimpering wang xiu, zhan completely ignored the knocks at the door. Zhan layed down with his son close to him and he immediately slept off. Yibo who was still standing at the door for the past one hour walked away slowly and slept on the coach, he knew he will be in deep trouble if he were to sleep somewhere else. He took out his phone and texted xiao zhan grandpa to inform him xiao zhan refusal.
"I really should choose my words well, now the price of my words is sleeping on the coach and have a sore body." Yibo whispered and closed his eye's to sleep, right now he needs to be a good husband and listen to his wife.

Tame The Untamed (Married To A Psycho) ✅
FanfictionYizhan fanfic Cover by @Da-ya-vi