Two weeks later
Chen zhan condition seems not to improve at all, chen zhan sister was beyond frustrated, she believes it is all xiao zhan fault that his brother is in this condition, he chose to go out and hoe around putting his only brother in danger!. Rose left the hospital without anyone knowledge, the 14 year's old girl hired a taxi and headed to wang yibo premises, she is going to kill that bastard child and nothing is going to stop her.
Xiao zhan face wasn't paler like how he used to be, yibo and xiao zhan got closer, yibo never did anything since the two were married, he is still waiting for the right time, zhan is still very young and he is still not sure what happened year's ago, it looks like whoever was responsible cleaned any traces, yibo gave the detective another week to finish the investigation, three weeks will be more than enough to find what he wanted to know.
A week ago wang yibo got a white bunny for xiao zhan, since yibo has been getting busier with his work, he decided to find something that will keep xiao zhan company when he is not around, they talked about xiao zhan returning back to school, zhan was beyond excited, since xiao zhan has stopped going to school for year's, yibo decided to find a tutor for xiao zhan, though zhan said he is ok, but wang yibo didn't want to take any chances, his partner should be perfect in every way.
Zhan grew closer with the bunny, when he is not playing games on his phone then he is playing with the cute bunny, today xiao zhan decided to outside the house with his bunny, he said his little bunny is getting chubbier because he is over eating, outside wang yibo house, zhan didn't walk very far, he was about to go inside when he heard someone calling his name, he turned around and saw rose approaching him, zhan smiled.
"Rose come inside, i didn't know your coming to visit me." Zhan said gently, rose sneered.
"Who wants to visit someone as disgusting as you, such a prostitute and a killer! My brother's life is on the line and your here having the greatest time of your life." Rose who is now standing infront of xiao zhan said, zhan who is already used to the insults didn't say a word, he bent down and picked the bunny up and placed him on his arms.
"Sis, i never tried to kill brother chen, i always pray for him to recover soon, how is he doing right now?" Xiao zhan asked, xiao zhan words made rose to be even more furious, grabbing the bunny that was in xiao zhan arms, rose threw the bunny away, the bunny got stabbed by a sharp log that was nearby, zhan shouted and rushed towards the bunny who was obviously dead, rose smirked hearing xiao zhan calling the already dead bunny in tears.
"Why are you crying so bitterly? Oh right you remember how your mother died, you know your bitch mother was stabbed the same spot your now bunny got stabbed, now it's your time to completely kill you, you're a complete jinx to the society." Rose shouted, a bodyguard who saw what happened, roughly grabbed rose and threw her out of the house, he tried calling xiao zhan to get up but zhan didn't react in any way, rather he was crying and holding the already dead bunny.
The bodyguard called wang yibo who was having a serious meeting with his brother, yibo who heard his wife is crying he immediately stopped everything and got up to leave.
"Brother what happened? We are not done yet." Xichen asked his brother, yibo didn't have time to answer, leaving the private room from the restaurant he was in, yibo headed to his car and had the driver drive back home, he arrived at the house and found xiao zhan kneeling while sobbing, his hands and clothes are covered in blood because of the dead bunny who is now in his arms. Yibo went closer to the kneeling xiao zhan and bent down. Xiao zhan seeing wang yibo he cried even more loudly.
"Yibo my bunny is dead, i loved him so much, we grew so close and now he is dead." Zhan sobbed on wang yibos chest, yibo caressed xiao zhan back gently.
"It's ok, i will get you a new bunny, right now let's get this bunny discarded, don't cry anymore." Yibo answered but got pushed away, zhan hugged the bunny protectively, xichen who followed his brother worried that something serious happened couldn't help but smile.
"I will not throw away my bunny, i will give him a respectful burial." Zhan answered, yibo accepted, burying the dead bunny like how xiao zhan wanted, yibo got curious how the bunny died, because xiao zhan refused to say, he only said it's an accident.
Yibo called the bodyguards who were present that day and asked what happened, one of them narrated what happened, he could see how sad xiao zhan was for the past few day's, when yibo got to know what happened, he got up from his seat.
"You two follow me, I am going to bring the head of the person who made my wife sad, she is going to join the bunny." Yibo said and left with the two bodyguards.

Tame The Untamed (Married To A Psycho) ✅
FanfictionYizhan fanfic Cover by @Da-ya-vi