Xiao zhan father Mr jiang picked the few clothes that was thrown out, looking at the house he has lived for year's, turning around, jiang left without looking back, he has never known why his mother hated him so much, he has never done anything disrespectful to him, she was in love with Xiao Zhan mother the moment she saw her, her name is zhen zhen, she was very beautiful and kind hearted, they came to know each other and grew closer after jiang kept showing himself wherever zhen zhen was, pretending to be a coincidence, when the truth was actually intentional.
The two fall in love, after jiang introduced his girlfriend to his mother, since his dad died, his mother immediately refused, she said she has already chosen someone better for him, jiang refused, he is in love with zhen zhen and she is the only woman she will love, jiang knows better more than anyone that his mother never favoured him even once, he never knew what he did for his mother to hate and resent him, his mother always compare him with his young brother, his young brother does whatever his mother has told him to, jiang was always against his mother's bad ways, as long as he knows something is not right, then he will immediately refuse.
Jiang married zhen zhen and the two lived happily, zhen zhen gave him his first baby boy after five years of marriage, jiang was very happy, it was only a month later when his mother brought the woman she chose for him to marry with a baby who is almost the same age as xiao zhan, jiang mother said the day after the wedding when he got drunk, he slept with the woman and got her pregnant, jiang was sure, that day he really did drink a single glass of wine when he visited his mother, but after that he didn't remember a thing.
She never expected all these years, his own family has been playing with him, he has failed as a father to xiao zhan, since he didn't even have a say in his own wife, the only person who understood him better was zhen zhen, but he is a failure, he failed his dead wife and his only son xiao zhan, walking for hours, not knowing where he was going, Mr jiang vision felt blurry and he coughed several mouthful of blood, before he completely saw darkness.
"He must be dead by now, my dear, finally you will remain with the man you love, my only real son not that homeless son who my husband found in the streets and had everything belong to that bastard." The old lady said happily, she has being putting up with that idiot for year's, finally she will get rid of him.
"Mother what did you do to him?" Madam Zhan asked, the old lady smiled.
"Poisoned him of course, why would i need someone so useless as him." The old lady answered with a wide smile, li zhan who already knew about his real dad wasn't even bothered. But one thing he was worried about was what he heard earlier, that pyscho mentioned something very important, when that bastard child was 14 year's old and was about to turn 15, that's the time when his father and him raped that boy.
"Mother do you remember what that pyscho said? I think he is we.well aware of what and he is now after us?" Li zhan said completely worried, madam zhan face turned pale, the old lady smiled well a forced smile, deep down she is worried too.
"You don't have to worry, I am sure that bastard child is the one who informed him, but he has no solid evidence." The old lady answered, reassuring both, as long as he has no evidence, then nothing will happen to him. She was about to continue speaking when his son came inside with his clothes covered in blood.
"M-mother help me." The rapist managed to speak before passing out, madam zhan, the old lady and li zhan rushed towards the unconscious Yu zhan, they immediately called an ambulance to take the seriously injured Yu zhan to hospital.
"What is happening? Why is Yu suddenly injured? He was fine few hours ago? It's. .." The old lady eye's went wide, that pyscho, she hasn't thought a way of dealing with the recent issue at hand and now this, people has already started to despise the family, since the news of madam sleeping with his husband's younger brother is all over the Internet, and now the nurses and doctors who saw who it was, their eyes showed complete disgust.
"You brat, your really going too far now,trying to hurt my own son." The old lady whispered in anger, she has to bare with everything that these people say so that his son could get treatment.

Tame The Untamed (Married To A Psycho) ✅
FanfictionYizhan fanfic Cover by @Da-ya-vi