chapter 9

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Before me stands a greek God. Tall and dark skinned, with dreamy eyes, pink lips and a perfect white smile, bald headed with thick bushy eyebrows, my am i even drooling over this stranger.

He's wearing a blue clicks shirt, black formal Chino pants and black formal shoes, his name tag is written "Nhlakanipho" and below his name it is written "shop assistant"... well i am brought back to reality when he clears his throat, "Good day miss, is everything okay?, have you found what you are looking for?" He says

Me: "hi, no, i actually dont know what to buy,i am looking for slimming or diet products for myself but i cannot seem to choose the one that i think would be best for me"

"Please come with me, right this way" i follow behind him and i get a full view of his broad shoulders, you can tell that he visits the gym frequently, he's not buff but he's well built.

He goes on and on about the benefits of each product and also some of the complaints recieved from customers about some of the products and finally he handed me a small box of bills which are for decreasing my appetite, explaining how that will help me with my weight loss.

After a good 15 minutes i thank him and i am ready to pay, i head home thereafter. As soon as i get home i call Tasha, "nikuphi(where are you guys)?" I say, "haiibo ntombi kutheni ungabingeleli(girl why dont you greet?)" I chuckle,"uxolo sisi(sorry sis), where's my daughter, i miss her so much"

"She's in my place with the nanny, i am working double shift today so that i can get the sunday off" shame my friend is such a hardworker and she would do anything for church or her daughter, "let me fetch her, we can go for ice cream that way you dont have to pay the nanny for overtime" i say, i mean its not like i have anything more to do.

"Thank you so much Zee, you have no idea how much this means to me" let me end this call before Tasha Starts crying. I hang up and change into something less formal.

I wear black sweatpants(from the men's section), i wear my yellow and black  "Gang" hoodie and a black and white airforce. I dress tomboyish but honestly this look is so comfortable when you are a big girl like myself.

As soon as the nanny openned for me, Jess jumped straight into my arms and i started kissing her while she just giggled. Jessica is honestly the cutest little human.

We first drop off the nanny at her place then drive to the mall, we get ice cream, go to an arcade store, play games, take pictures and even bought a few toys, as we were walking out of spur after buying Jessica's burger, she tripped and fell, hitting her forehead and this earned her a small cut on her forehead.

I am panicking! What am i going to say to tasha, Jess is crying so driving to the hospital wont work, i rush to clicks and ask that they assist me, while someone checks on her i find myself crying as well.

"Are you okay miss?" Its a familiar voice with a familiar scent, its "Nhlakanipho the shop assistant" i try acting tough by just nodding and looking away, one of the pharmacists walk towards me with sleeping Jess in her arms, they've covered the cut with a plaster then i had to pay for medication as well as for their assistance because it is out of their job description.

I am shaking i cannot even carry Jess, "i can help you carry her to your car if you dont mind" Nhlakanipho says, honestly i had even forgotten that he is here,anyway i could do with some assistance, we walk to the parking in silence, he puts her on her carseat,i buckle her up.

After buckling her up, i was hoping that Nhlakanipho would be gone by now but he is still standing next to my car, i guess i owe him appreciation for his assitance "Thank you,i truly appreciate your help" i say and he returns this with a warm smile "she's very beautiful" he blurts, "just like her mum", wait how does he know Tasha?, oh no he thinks Jess is mine.

"She isnt mine, look i must go now, thanks again for your assistance" i say this while opening the door to my drivers seat, "please take my number so you can inform me how she is doing then i can tell you what to do if she still wakes up in pain" i am hesitant but he means no harm and i can easily just "lose" the number and life goes on right?

I take it and Jess and i Drove off.

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