chapter 32

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I finally got out of the bathroom and Maqawe together with Nkule were not in sight. I guess they left. I took my seat and i see Phenyo has dished up for me, all my favourites. I look at him and he smiles. "maMnisi, i would like to apologize on behalf of Nkule, her behaviour was uncalled for, you're a guest here and therefore you're not expected to assist the wives in anyway" Mr Mazibuko Snr utters.

"Ngiyabonga baba(thank you sir)" there's silence only the sound of plates and forks. After breakfast the table was cleared. "Zinhle, can i have a word with you?" Thats Phenyo's mother, Phenyo looks like he is about to protest but his mother gives him an assuring look, i wonder what that was about.

She takes my hand and we walk to the tv area. " I'm going out soon for some last minute shopping for Phenyo's birthday celebration, i dont know if you'd like to join me? I also want to pass by the decor and catering company to confirm a few things, I'm also not too sure if the colours i chose for the theme are what your man would pick,i mean you know him best" i smile, I'm honestly happy that she wants my input on this.

"Yebo ma I'd love to come with you" she smiles, "kulungile keh(thats fine) we'll be living in 2 hours so you can get yourself prepared" she then walks back to the kitchen and i walk upstairs.

I find my babe laying in bed facing the ceiling. "Babe where's my phone?" I last saw my phone last night before i fell asleep. "Ufanani kuyo(what do you need from it)?" Trust Phenyo to ask the dumbest questions sometimes "not that its any of your business but i wanna check up on my sisters" I'm moving around this big bedroom searching for my phone and he's sitting here not even helping me "you can use mine mos there's no need to mess up the bedroom like this" haiibo is this guy being for real right now? I'm upset honestly.

I just walk to the closet to pick out an outfit for my outing with Phenyo's mother, as soon as i step into the closet Phenyo is right behind me "ufunani manje lana(what do you want here)" what the heck is wrong with Phenyo today? "Im looking for something to wear whats wrong with you today?" And just like that he walks out, i honestly dont understand whats up with him.

I opt for a free flowing knee length off the shoulder nude dress, dusty pink sandals and i just let my hair loose, its been a while. "Uyaphi Zinhle?(where are you going)" this one must really be testing me, i dont respond to him i just walked out of the bedroom.  I'm upset, I'm so upset, why am i being to being called by my birthname? What happened to all those cute pet names? Whats wrong with Phenyo he's suddenly so grumpy.

He doesnt even follow after me. I meet his mum already waiting for me in the living room. "The driver is already here, we may go" she smiles and holds my hand. Now this woman here dresses like your typical first lady vibes, she's dressed in a lemon 'two piece', baige stockings and hat to match that.i honestly feel underdressed.

We finally get to the mall, the drive was shorter because now we're in their Durban(zimbali) home which is much closer to everything basically. "So we'll start with the decor people" we get there and they welcome us in "so initially i had picked peach and grey what do you think?" She's looking at me now,honestly Phenyo's mum is putting me on the spot and I'm not even in the mood for this,I'm not in the mood for anything honestly.

"Since the celebration is in the evening,i was thinking what about black and gold?" She smiles, this woman has the warmest most welcoming smile honestly "why didnt i think about that? Thats geniuse!" The lady next to us shows us different table centerpieces, table cloths, cultery and basically everything that's associated with the theme colours we chose. After what felt like forever we are already off to the caterers.

"I thought we'd have an african cuisine menu seeing that Phenyo enjoys his african food" well he enjoys that once in a while honestly,Phenyo is all about fine dining. "How about 3 course?" She agrees, this woman has been agreeing to basically everything I'm suggesting. We finally decided that  we'll have platters for starters then the main will be a seafood baffet,dissert will be Phenyo's favourite caramel tart.

"Oh can we quickly pass by diamond Merchants, i want to confirm with Phenyo's gift will be delivered on time tomorrow" thats like the most expensive jewlery store, I've never been into that store mainly because, I'd probably buy a pair of earrings with my whole salary. "I bought him something personalised and embroidered, i hope he'll like it" she smiles "oh ofcause who wouldnt appreciate a gift from diamond merchants!" She laughs lightly before we make our way in. They seem to know her quite well they all greet her and she introduces me. "So is the gift ready for delivery?" She's talking to a lady whom i assume is the manager.
I'm just here lost in the beautiful jewlery and rings, "try it out" she stuttles me because i was so lost in this beautiful diamond ring, i smile "no ma, i dont thats a good idea" she smiles "you know when my husband finally proposed, he already knew which wedding ring i wanted because i would always drag him to American swiss to fit the exact same ring everytime we went shopping" i laugh "try it mntanam" i guess it wouldnt hurt to try it out. The lady finds me one that she assumes would fit me perfectly, i try it on and wow like a glove!. It looks so great on my hand and my orange acrylic gel which i applied on my own nails compliments the ring perfectly. We take it off the continue with a few arrands.

I ended up buying something to wear tomorrow evening, i picked a long black maxi dress, I once saw this dress worn by the Nomcebo on the Jerusalema music video so i love it. Paired it with a gold strappy block heel.

We finally headed home, it was around 4pm, Phenyo,Sbu and their father werent home, Thabile, sbu's wife is also not home so i decide to cook i mean what else will can i do. I make chicken stew with basmati rice, caslaw, green salad, creamy spinach and chakalaka. Phenyo's mum walks down wearing her tracksuits and slippers. "Zinhle, you cooked, i was just about to do so since Thabile is out with Nkule" she smiles and sits on one of the chairs, I'm now transferring all the food into different bowls so that people can serve themselves. "Ma would you like anything to drink" she smiles "no mntanam even if i did, I'm not about to slave you around, Phenyo would kill me" we both laugh.

Everyone finally came back including Nkule and Maqawe. She just greeted, no apology whatsoever,not that i expected it. We sit around, say grace then start diging in, I'm nervous what if the food is too spicy, or too salty , or too oily. Phenyo notices this because he whispers into my ear "relax" then gives me an assuring smile.

Looks like everyone enjoyed the food, Maqawe went in for seconds and they couldnt stop complimenting my cooking, Phenyo had a Proud smile on his face. Well I'm still mad at him

After clearing the table we all headed to bed, i still couldnt find my phone, I have all reason to believe that Phenyo has all to do with the sudden disappearance of my phone..

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