chapter 41

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I'm still dumbstruck when "Dr Mabaso" finally speaks "Ms Mnisi, welcome...thank you Clara, I'll take it from here, please close the door on your way out" Clara smiles briefly at me before walking out.

"Ms Mnisi, please take a seat" is he really going to pretend like we don't know each other or is he just trying to maintain professionalism? "We are glad to have you as part of our team, I'm sure Clara has taken you through the whole building i just wanted to formally welcome you to JC auditing" he smiles at me, more of a smerk i must say.

"Thank you, yes I've seen the whole building and I'm impressed" i guess I'll just play along. He sits back on his chair and stares at me intensely. None of us speaks for a good 5 minutes while he is intensely starring at me,I'm just admiring his office, the furniture, the theme, it's very beautiful, I'd one day love to have something like this for myself.

"Zinhle, how have you been?" He finally speaks. "I've been good Nhlakanipho, how have you been? How are things with your family?, i see you've done well for yourself" he smiles proudly "my family and I are fine, I'm working under my dad so all this isnt mine" he stands up from his chair. "Please come with me to your office"he leads the way and it turns out my office is on the same floor as his, 5 doors away from his office to be precise.

"I hope you like it, more of your furniture and stayionary will be brought in before end of day today, please familiarise yourself with the company website and the policies, tomorrow you'll meet the person whom you'll be working under" I've been nodding the whole day, I'm truly impressed, my office is so big and it has an amazing view of the city, I'm honestly going to enjoy working here.

"Have a good day Ms Mnisi " with that said he walks out. I immediately start putting up my picture frames on my desk. A picture of myself with my whole family on graduation, a picture of myself on the day Phenyo's family came to pay for lobola and also a picture of Phenyo and myself when he proposed. My husband hasnt called me today, it really stresses me when he is upset so i try calling him.

It rings unanswered, he's probably busy or in a meeting. I start familiarizing myself with JC auditing, everything there is to know about their clients, their reputation,basically everything, and only then do i find out that Nhlakanipho's dad is the Majority shareholder of this firm.

The rest of the office furniture was brought and i get to arrange things to my liking, I'm honestly going to need fresh flowers to bring a bit of brightness into this place. Its lunchtime and lucky for me now i dont need to go to the cafeteria and eat with everyone else, i have my own office so i move to the couch and eat my lunch while scrolling through my phone. I notice that hubby is online on whatsapp so i drop him a heart emoji, he replies back with the same then goes offline. I'm really worried about Phenyo.

My phone rings as I'm packing away my lunch container. Its Phenyo's mum, i havent spoken to her in a while now. "Sawubona ma(greetings)" i answer "Makoti, how are you?" Honestly i dont know if i should tell her how I'm actually feeling or to just deal with my marital issues on my own "I'm good ma, how are you?" I lied, its for the best. "I'm also good, listen i was wondering if you can your husband can come over this weekend, i miss having all my children under one room" i chuckle "no problem ma, I'll speak to Phenyo about it" i say, "oh don't worry about him I've already spoken to him, he asked that i first get approval from his wife, if i didnt know better I'd say you fed my son love potion" we laugh lightly then she goes on to asking about how the wedding preparations are coming along and ended up telling me about the drama going on between the ladies society from her church, I've been laughing nonstop until there's a knock. "Ma I have to go, thank you for the call, please greet baba for me" i bid farewell before hanging up.

"Come in" Nhlaka walks in, he is dressed well,I'm only taking note of it now, he's wearing a while T shirt, black checkered pants with versace black grained leather loafers. He walks over to my desk. "I came to let you know that you can take the rest of the day off since your job officially starts tomorrow" i smile "thank you" he stares at me intensely then "you're welcome" before he walks out.

Nhlaka is still a bit creepy but anyway who cares? Right now all that matters is driving to my man's workplace with lunch so we can talk. I drive to his favourite italian resturant then bought him his favourite pasta and cranberry juice. When i got to M&S, i greeted the lady at reception before taking the lift to my man's office. I dont knock, i just budge in,his assistant is there.

She's barely even wearing anything, her skirt is too tight and a bit too short, her blouse is barely buttoned up, i dont like her. I greet her then walk over to my husband, he smiles "Its as if you knew that i havent eaten" i smile "It's callee wifey instincts" he laughs, I'm glad that his mood is a lot better than it was this morning.

"Ma called" i say "oh i know, she told me that you agreed" he says paying no attention to me, he's giving his meal all the attention it needs. Once he's done eating he takes a sip of his drink, i think now is the right time to talk about what happened this morning.

"Mwelase, what happened this morning" he sighs, "I'm sorry babe, i really didnt mean to snap at you like that" he says, pulling my hand into his, "i know that you are sorry and i forgave you even way before you said it, but what i wanna know is why?"

He pulls me over to sit with him on the couch, "i did a bit of research on the company you are working for and i found out that that ex of yours is ths current CEO, insecurities flushed over me because i practically stole you from him" he's looking down, "i don't get it Phenyo, i married you at the end of it all, i chose you and I'll keep choosing you now i dont understand why we would let a none factor come between us like that, i thought you said that we talk about things, i really dont appreciate how you snapped at me" i say

"I'm sorry babe, i should've told you" he says. "Well he's married and so am i, so really there's nothing to worry about here" i smile at him, he kisses my cheek, "how about we go home and prepare dinner together, it's been so long since i last cooked" he says, well he isn't the best cook, i still remember the first meal he ever prepared and brought for me at work back when we were in cape town, it wasn't so good.

We pack his things "we'll drive in one car, you'll get yours tomorrow morning" i dont even protest, he hates my car anyway. We drive off.

When we get home i head to the shower immediately. After my shower as i am picking out something to wear in the closet, my phone rings "babe! Please answer it for me" i shout from the closet "where is it?" He asks "in my handbag" i opt for a pair of leggings with a baggy t shirt and slippers.

"Who was it?" I ask, he has something in his hand, its a paper, and he isnt even answering  my question. He looks up at me then stares at me for sometime before handing me the paper that he has been holding.

Shoot! Its my prescription for the contraceptive pills, see the doctor I'm seeing here in durban doesnt offer the pills, but writes you a prescription so you can buy the pills over the counter at a pharmacy, i was hoping to go and get them today after work but then i had a change of plans.

How do i even explain this to Phenyo, he looks upset....

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