chapter 30

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When we got to his place i was feeling a bit hungry so i fixed myself a sandwich then went to join him upstairs after eating. When i walk in i realise he has a towl wrapped around him meaning he had just taken a shower.

"Phenyo i need my bag from the car so that i can also freshen up" i say "but you can just use my things and wear one of my T shirts though" Phenyo must be kidding me right now "i dont have any underwear, everything is in my bag,ngiyakucela babe(please babe)" he gets dressed then leaves the room, hands me my bag then i take out my toiletry bag and head to the bathroom for a shower.

After showering i walk out with a towl wrapped around my body, well I'm a big girl so this towl is barely even doing it's job but anyway i walk out and find Phenyo laying in bed facing the ceiling. I cannot get dressed while he's still in here, "babe, I'd like to get dressed please" he laughs then sits up, suddenly his eyes are glued on my thighs "Phenyo Phuma(leave) i want to get dressed" he smiles, licking his lips before walking out.

I lotion and get dressed in my PJs, i get into the covers, he comes back, takes off his PJ top then joins me in bed. I tun to face the opposite direction, he pulls me closer to him and starts kissing the back of my neck, his hands move to my nipples, he squeezes and moves his finger around my nipple, he flips me over now I'm beneath him, he kisses me, this is different though, it's different from our usual kisses, it's even making my body react, he moves to my neck, and to my stomach. Right then it registers, i need to stop this.

"Phenyo..." i call out "relax babe, i wont do anything that you are not ready for, trust me please" he continues planting kisses on my stomach all the way until he gets a grip of my PJ pants, he removes them together with my lace black underwear. He spreads my legs apart, i try closing them again, i dont know what ths guy is trying to do but no i wont let him. "Babe, trust me" he gives me an assuring look, i cover my face and then allow him to spread my thighs.

I feel his tongue meeting my privates, this feeling is foreign, he keeps working his tongue and wow this feels great, he's holding me down while he keeps going i find my moans getting louder and louder, "susa izandla babe(remove your hands)" i remove my hands from my face only to be met by his smirk, he keeps going and oh my gosh i dont know how to describe this feeling but I'm in another world, my body vibrates as my body succumbs to the pleasure. He comes back up and kisses me then lies down next to me pulling me to his chest, "I love you Zee, with all my heart" I'm quiet, not because i dont feel the same way but because I'm a bit embarrassed, my side of the bed feels a bit wet how do i even tell him that.

"Uhm,Phenyo" i think he was about to doze off "yes my love" shame he sounds so sleepy "uhm side of the bed is a bit wet" he lets out a lazy chuckle "it happens my love, it basically means you've had your first orgasm, you reached climax" i nodd then lay my head on his chest, we are off to lala land.

*3 months later*
Its the beginning of March and things have been really great in my life,Phenyo and I grow stronger everyday, we are truly inseparable. I'm still a virgin, well partly but you know what i mean. Phenyo and i are official, his family knows about us but Maqawe doesnt seem too thrilled with the news. Today is saturday and Phenyo asked that i join him on an evening dinner meeting with one of his potential clients. Its 5pm the dinner start at 7. I'm picking an outfit when my phone rings, its an unsaved number "Zinhle hello" i pick up "hey Chomzito,its been a while hey" oh its Mpumi.

"Hey, yeah it sure has been" this is weird i didnt think I'd ever hear from her again "how are you? How's life that side? I miss you" oh i should've known its one of those life update conversations "i miss you more chomie but i have a meeting to attend can i call you back later?" She sighs "sure no problem,bye"

I wonder what was that about. Anyway i pick a body hugging orange dress, stocking,black block heel half boots and a light coat on top, it's cold already this side. A message notification comes through from "my love" babe I'm 10 minutes away, please dont make me wait. I love you one thing about my man is that he hates waiting he's very impatient.

I tie my faux locs into a half bun then decide to wait for him downstairs, i see his Range rover driving in. He walks out of the car, comes to me and gives me a hug and a kiss, then opens the door for me, that has actually become a routine. Lately i barely ever drive to work,he opts to pick me up instead.

We get to the dinner and it appears we are a little late because we find the client and his wife already there. "Apologies for keeping you waiting Mr and Mrs Mogale" thats Phenyo, he gives the gentleman a handshake and greets his wife. We get seated. "Now Mr Mazibuko,shall we get straight to business?, before we do, this is my wife Angela" she smiles then goes back to whatever it is that she's doing on her phone,she looks so uninterested though.

I order orange juice while Angela orders a bottle of moët. "Mr Mazibuko,how would it benefit me to allow your firm to be incharge of my accounting records?" Phenyo clears his throat "well Sir not only are we the best in the country but we also run the financials of one of the biggest companies in the country" this gentleman doesnt look impressed, Phenyo is nervous i can feel it "I dont want to know about your success as a firm i would like to know the benefits of working with your firm" he clears his throat again.

I jump in "Well Mr Mogale, apart from what my colleague has already mentioned, we also gaurentee a fair audit at rates that are lower than most available firms, we have a reputation of maintaining clean audit reports and we also manage to trace if there's any fraud or discrepancy in the books, our work is done timely and our reports are readily available to our clients at a time most convenient to them" Mr Mogale smiles, Phenyo squeezes my hand, "im sold ,so when can i come in to sign the contract?" Phenyo smiles at me then the meeting goes on for another 30 minutes except now they're just going on about soccer, politics and current affairs.

Phenyo tells me that we're leaving, we bid farewell to them. "Hey Mazibuko, don't ever let go of her, she's a treasure" Phenyo smiles seemingly proud of himself.

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