chapter 42

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I'm frozen on the same spot, I'm facing down,i dont even know what to say, "Zinhle yin lokho(whats this)?" He says, trying as hard as possible to keep his cool. I'm tongue tied, "Zinhle I'll ask you this for the last time, what is this?!" He shouts, I'm stuttled.

I face up immediately to be met by his angry face with blood shot red eyes. I'm shaken, I've never seen this side to him. I feel fresh warm tears streaming down my face. He notices this but keeps his mean face on. "I... I'm sorry Babe, i wanted to tell you, i just didnt know  how to" i say, with hiccups, i cannot even control my tears.

"How long?" He asks, i face down again, "Zinhle, how long?" He asks again "a month after we started having sex" i sniff in between my words. He walks over to his sideboard, takes his car keys and cellphone and then walks out without saying anything.

I breakdown, well i knew this was eventually going to happen but then again I'm not ready for a child, I'm too young and also I've just started working my dream job, i have nothing under my name as yet so why would i want to bring another life into this world.

I cry, change into my PJ's and get into bed, i cry until i finally doze off. I'm woken up when i feel cold hands warm their way around my waist, i move closer and he cuddles me up, i fall asleep safely in my husband's arms.

The next morning i woke up alone in bed, took a bath then prepared for work. I'm wearing black chino pants, a red button up blouse and black pencil heels. I comb my hair up, tie it into a high bun,lay my edges and wear gold loopy earrings finished the look off with red matte lipstick. My eyes are very puffy, its day's like these where i wish i knew how to apply make up.

I drove to work listening to radio 2000. I got to the parking lot, prayed then walked in. I got to my office and found a beautiful dark skinned lady waiting for me outside my door. "Good morning, you must be Ms Mnisi, I'm Lethabo, I'll be taking you through our financials and just briefing you on what is expected of you, i was working as an acting financial manager until we found you of cause so today I'm handing everything over to you" she says, i open my office door then we both walk in "its lovely to meet you Lethabo" she smiles revealing her perfectly aligned teeth "likewise Ms Mnisi"

For about 4 hours Lethabo and i worked through the handover and this is basically more or less the same thing i did at M&S. She finally left my office at lunch time. I dont feel like eating so I'll just work through lunch.

While busy i hear a soft knock "come in" , Nhlaka walks in wearing a formal slim fitted bargandy suit, he's carrying a paper bag in one hand and two coffee containers in the other. "I come bearing gifts" he smiles before pulling a chair. "I was actually hoping to use this time to catch up on work" i say, he smiles "well you can drink your coffee and I'll sit here and watch you while you work" he says this while getting comfortable. I just chuckle lightly and close my laptop.

We ended up catching up,he told me about how him and his wife are, he has a daughter now, she's a year old and they've moved to durban with Thembi. After lunch he left then i continued working.

I honestly dont feel like facing Phenyo today so i decide to stay for an extra 2 hours, my normal knock off time is 5pm so I'll leave here at 7pm. "I thought you'd be home by now" Nhlakanipho brings be back to the present, I've been buried in work that i lost track of time, when i check the time on my phone its after 8pm and i have 5 missed calls. Shoot! "I should leave" i say quickly packing my things and rushing off,i leave him standing there by the door.

I drove home like a maniac, i wonder what hubby ate for dinner. I got home then found him in the living room watching the news. This is basically how our apartment looks, the dinning room and sitting area are sort of like an open plan, so when you enter through the kitchen door, you get to see exactly whats going on in the sitting room. I walk over to the sitting room, "hi" i greet him, he doesnt even look up. He's just glued to the screen.

I decide to let him be,i go upstairs and take a shower, coming out of the bathroom i find him sitting on the edge of the bed. "So you knock off at 8pm now?" He asks "I needed sometime to catch up on work, i lost track of time" he stairs at me, then pats the bed signalling me to come and sit next to him.

"Now we are going to talk like two adults, no crying, no shouting and definitely no lies, okay?" He says while looking at me expectantly. I just nodd "i said like adults" i guess he's referring to my nodding "yes" he takes my hand into his, when he does that, i know it's about to be real. "Why did you do it behind my back?" He asks, "i didnt think you'd approve of the idea considering we just got married and you're not getting any younger" he pulls my chin up so that i can face him.

"Did we not agree on being vocal about everything? Did we not talk about the importance of communication?" I'm now looking at him in the eyes which I've been avoiding all this time "I'm so disappointed that you think i married you so that you can bare kids for me, there's more to marriage than just having kids" he really does look disappointed, that breaks my heart.

"I'm sorry babe, i just started my career and i didnt want anything to be of hindrance and i think i might have been inconsiderate of your feelings when i made the decision" he nodds "so whats the way forward now?" I ask

"You can continue taking the pills until we are both ready to start a family, i just got upset at the fact that you didnt tell me" i nodd, he brings me to sit on his lap "i love you babe, and i hate it when we fight, your happiness is my priority" he kisses my cheek then brings me closer to his chest.

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