chapter 53

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*3 months later*
I'm tired, I've been tossing and turning on my bed since this morning when my husband left for work, I'm ready to pop. I was due to give birth a week ago but pumpkin said no my mother in law declined when the doctor suggested that a c-section should be performed or at least induced labour. My mother in law believes that this child belongs to the ancestors and he/she will come at the right time. Even though i dont believe in anscestors i had to obey as a makoti.

My back hurts and I've been having lower abdominal pains which feels much like period pains. Hubby is at work and honestly i could do with a back rub. I decide to go and take a shower maybe that'll help. After my shower i feel a lot better, i wear a free flowing dress and flip flops, its 4pm so i should probably get started with dinner. I prepare pap, beef stew and cabbage. After cooking i dish up for myself then eat in front of the TV.

"makaPumpkin" thats my husband walking in, i stand a walk up to him, "how are you feeling now" he asks, "well the back pain is still there but the abdominal pains have stopped" i walk to the kitchen then dish up for him.

We spend sometime watching tv before i decide to leave him and head to bed, the back ache starts as soon as i enter into the bed covers. I lie on my back hoping that it'll get better until i eventually doze off.

I'm woken up by a sharp pain in my lower abdomen "Ahhh!" I scream in agony involuntarily so. "Phenyo, wake up" i try to shake my husband "hmm, what is it?" He asks while stretching himself. "The pains, they've started again, much more intense now" he gets up and quickly gets dressed, he helps me into my gown then grabs the baby bag before he rushes out only to remember that he actually left me in the bedroom.

He runs back up and helps me out slowly, i try the breathing technique that they taught us in parenting class but it isnt working. My husband is drying like a maniac. We get to the hospital and I'm wheeled in by the nurses, my husband isnt allowed into the ward.

*Phenyo's POV*
I am freaking out, my wife is in there screaming her lungs out and these people are telling me that I'm not allowed in. I decide to call my mother, shes the only one that can calm me down at this point "ma, she's in labour" i say as soon as she answers "okay I'm on my way " then she hangs up.

I'm pacing up and down, my mother walks up to me and engulfs me in a hug, my dad pats my shoulder and sits down. It's been hours now, no one has said anything to us, i cannot think straight what if something goes wrong, what if i lose one of them in there. I'm pacing until it hits me,Zinhle always prays when she's in a tough situation, now i cannot remember the last time I've ever prayed but today I'm going to do it because the thought of losing my wife and child really freaks me out.

As I'm praying inside, the doctor walks out. "How's my wife, how are they?" He sighs, "this was one of our toughest deliveries yet, the baby was distressed but we managed to deliver a healthy baby. Both the mother and child are well and healthy" these are the best news I've probably heard all year. My mum is praising my anscestors and my dad is next to me giving me an assuring smile "congratulations Mr Mazibuko you're now a father to a healthy baby girl"

Then the doctor walks back into the ward. My mother englufs me in a hug, I'm happy,i know my wife is happier.

*Zinhle's POV*
I'm so exhausted, i could sleep for days. But my excitement wouldnt allow me to sleep, I'm a mother now, to a cute chubby baby girl, my princess!

My husband and the inlaws are finally allowed in to see us, my husband walks over to me and plants a wet kiss on my lips "thank you!" I smile at him "thank you for carrying my precious cargo" i laugh lightly while mother in law joins in. "Congratulations maMnisi"my father in law says, i just smile, the nurse walks in and hands me my princess so that i can learn how to feed her.

"So what are we naming her?" My husband asks while he's snapping pictures,he sheds a tear. "Ntandoyenkosi..." i say, my husband comes and stands next to us, "Ntandoyenkosi Thandolwethu Mazibuko" he says....

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