chapter 34

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Happiness is an understatement, the photographer is snapping pictures of us, i dont even pay attention to stricking poses, I'm just so happy. I didnt expect this at all. The evening goes on with everyone dancing and drinking. "Let's disappear" my babe whispers to me,he didnt even wait for my response he dragged me upstairs, we got to his bedroom and as soon as i shut the door he was all over me. The kiss was different,not the usual slow and passionate, I'm not about to give it up while people are downstairs having the time of their lives,i pull away and he smiles at me.

"Thank you maMvuleni wam, i love you future Mrs Mazibuko" he says "i cannot imagine my life with anyone else but you, you complete me mwelase, i love you more my babe" he pulls away and walks to the closet

"So about your phone..." see i knew it!i knew that he had something to do with it, "I'm sorry sthandwa sam, i had to do it, we sent a letter to your family yesterday and since i planned to propose today i didnt want your family ruining the surprise for me by asking you about the letter" Phenyo is very sneaky, "how did you pull this off babe?, what if i said no? I mean my family already recieved the letter" he laughs "well there was no way you can say no to all of this" he says while pointing at himself head to toe.

This man of mine is crazy honestly, we laugh "thank you mwelase, for all of this, i mean today was supposed to be about you yet here we are celebrating our engagement" i kiss him. "Now that you've forgiven me, here's your phone" he hands it to me then leaves the room.

I have tons of missed calls from my dad, my older sister and Mpumi. I decide to call Thengi "sisi" i dont know what to say, I'm shaking " Zinhle why werent you taking my calls?" This is exactly what i was avoiding "i misplaced my phone sisi, i only found it just now" i know she wont buy that story but technically, it's the truth "thats a lie, but anyway we recieved a letter from the Mazibukos, its about time that guy did right by you!" I guess shes happy so i losen up a bit "i didnt even know about the letter, i only found out today when he proposed" i told my sister all about this evening and promised to send her pictures before hanging up.

I take a picture of my engagement ring then post it on my whatsapp story. Phenyo also updated his whatsapp story with some of the selfies we took with his phone, with captions like "she said yes" , "future Mrs Me", "maMvuleni wam"

I decide to put my phone away and go back downstairs. The party is still going and its almost 22h00. "I have an idea, lets go" Phenyo is a bit tipsy so i dont trust any of his ideas but i follow his lead. We go out to the driveway and he unlocks his Jeep. He opens the door for me and goes to his side. We drive off. "Baby siyaphi?(where are we doing)" he has a mischievous smile "you'll see"

We get to a beautiful hotel, i wonder what he is up to. "We are here,lets go" we walk in hand in hand, "Mr Mazibuko, your presidential suite is ready, to your specifications, please come with me" we follow the beautiful lady as she leads us to our suite.

"Welcome to PalmHotel. Enjoy your stay." As soon as we walk in,the lights are off, there's scented candles all around, rose petals on the floor some are on the bed, with a ice bucket that has what i assume to be champagne with 2 champagne glasses. He's behind me busy nibbling on my neck "why dont you take a shower while i add in the final touches" he says this with a kiss after each word he utters.

I nodd and head to the shower, after my well deserved shower i grab a towl and wrap myself with it. I walk out to find him sitting on the edge of the bed facing the direction of the bathroom with a body lotion container in his hands. He signals me to come closer, removes my towl slowly with his eyes not leaving mine. He starts with lotioning my arms, down to my breasts while slowly  massaging them, he continues then signals me to put my foot on the bed then he starts lotioning it, then the other one. Now hes lotioning my thighs and slowly massages my butt cheeks, I'm trying so hard to remain composed but my body wants more of his soft touch.

He stands then starts kissing me, slowly, passionately yet with so much hunger in it, he slowly makes me lie down on the bed then he undresses himself, again, his eyes not leaving mine. He's only left with his boxers on, he gets back to kissing me, goes down to nibbling on my neck, then massages my breasts while moving further and further down, he starts kisses my inner thighs and before i know it his lips meet my privates.

He devours it like life depended on it, I'm trying to surpress my moans "let it out babe,let it all out sthandwa sam" those words push me to the edge, i feel my toes curl, I'm holding onto the sheets for dear life before a wave of pleasure flushes over me and i let out a loud moan. While still on cloud nine,i feel him inserting his finger, i tense up a bit, i guess he noticed it "relax my love" he keeps motioning his finger until pleasure starts building up again, he notices that from the way I'm moaning uncontrollably, he inserts a second finger and just as I'm about to reach climax, he pulls out then gets back up, he starts kissing me again as he simultaneously tries to remove his boxers.

He positions himself "this will hurt a bit but i promise to be gentle, at any point if you feel like you cannot bare the pain, please let me know and I'll stop okay nunu?" I nodd, he starts kisses me again and tries to push his shaft in, he keeps going slowly until the tip is in, this is the most excruciating pain I've probably ever felt.

Tears are streaming down my face, he keeps wiping them off and kissing me "should i stop?" I shake my head , "nunu say it, should i stop?" Tears are still streaming down my cheeks "no, dont stop" he smiles slightly then wipes my tears again before pushing his shaft further in, he keeps kissing me up until he lets out a groan then he starts motioning slowly but stops for a while "shit MaMvuleni what are you doing to me" he squeezes my breasts then increases his pace.

Now all the pain is mixed with pleasure, now I'm crying because this feels so good, i even find myself asking him not to stop, " I'm about to climax babe" i guess saying that queues him to increase the pace then he keeps going and going until my moans and his groans are in sync, we reach climax together then he kisses my forehead then my lips before pulling out and laying down next to me.

"Ngiyabonga sthandwa sam, i love you and I'm grateful for this gift" he pulls me into his arms "i dont wish to have it any other way babe, i love you more" I'm about to doze off "you know i think I've found my new addiction" i chuckle faintly "which is" he smiles "maMvuleni omncane(little maMvuleni)" first I'm confused before i see him point at what he is referring to, I've never laughed so much all day, my fiancee is insane honestly...

*this chapter was purely based on my imagination and also from some of the books I've read, bare with me guys,I'm inexperienced when it comes to such, i do hope you'll enjoy it..*

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