chapter 52

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I'm woken up by the annoying sound of my alarm. I dont even remember setting an alarm since my husband saw it fit for me to apply for early maternity leave. I basically work from home now, at my own pace thats one thing i love about this.

I turn to my husband's side of the bed and its empty, but there's a sticky note  attached to his pillow "good morning my angel, happy birthday" i totally forgot! Today is my 25th birthday. I've truly come a long way.

I get out of bed, tidy up around the bedroom then go for a relaxing bath. After my well deserved bath, i wear leggings and a baggy t shirt, I'm bigger now so hubby's shirts dont fit me anymore. I walk downstairs and to my disappointment my husband is no where in sight.

I whip myself a nice english breakfast, fruit salad, plain yogurt and a glass or orange juice. Today i feel like sitting outside by the garden. I indulge in my breakfast,while eating a message notification pops up on my screen. It's from Thengi "happy birthday mntase, unfortunately we will no longer be able to come, something came up at work and Zinzi has to stay with all the kids, enjoy your birthday we're sorry"

I cant even hide it, I'm sad. This will be the most boring birthday without my sisters but what can i say? I mean I'm the one who chose to move to another province. After eating i decide to clean my house, my husband would kill me for this but i need something to do i cannot sit around all day. I put on some music, today i feel like some Ntokozo Mbambo. While singing my lungs out, my phone rings "hello" i answer without checking the caller ID.

"Ntomb' ka baba" I've never been so excited to hear from my dad "baba!" I exclaim "happy birthday princess, unjani umzukulu(how is my grandchild)?" He remembered, I'm so happy "hawu baba its my day this is no time to ask about your unborn grandchild" he laughs, we talk for sometime before he lets me know that duty calls so we cut the call.

After cleaning up i decide to cook , my husband hasnt even called, I'm a bit sad. An sms comes in while I'm cooking "babe, uMa invited us over for lunch, please get ready I'm on my way"

I guess i should just forget about cooking, i switch the stove off and walk upstairs to freshen up. I take a quick shower and get dressed in a royal blue maxi dress with army green push ins and i opt to tie my hair in a doek that matches the dress, I mean its just lunch after all, i wear gold loopy earings and some lipstick, i did say that i still put effort to my outfits.

My husband walks in while I'm still fixing my doek, he stands leaning by the door frame, "izinto zam madoda" he says smiling proudly, i turn back and smile, he starts snapping pictures of me, i pose while he does this. After sometime he goes to the closet to change, he comes back looking rather fine! He's wearing slim fitted checkered navy blue 3 quarter pants, a while buttoned up t shirt with rolled up sleeves and brown formal shoes, he even smells great. This sight in front of me is honestly turning me on.

I guess he notices the change in my mood because he walks towards me with the most mischevious smile,he wraps his arms around me before planting a wet kiss on my lips, when the kiss gets heated he pulls away then whispers to me "we'll finish up later" then he walks out just like that!

I fix my lipstick, grab my bag the follow behind him, i find him already in the car waiting for me. He walks out to open the door for me, i hop in then we drive off. "By the way you're really rocking this doek vibe" he winks at me, i smile like a lovestruck teen "thank you" he kisses the back of my hand then focuses on the road.

"You know I've been thinking, we never had a honeymoon and you never even mentioned it" he says, well in all honesty i dont see the need to go away for a couple of days just because you just got married. I love travelling but i wouldnt want to do it all in the name of being a newly wed. "How about we go somewhere this weekend?" He suggests, that actually sounds like a good idea "I'd love to, but a road trip sounds better" i say,he smiles "then I'll get to be your personal photographer along the way" he chuckles, i smile "you know i wouldn't say no to that" i say "we first need to get approval from your doctor" here we go again, my husband runs everything through my doctor first, on every appointment Phenyo asks the doctor if its still okay for us to continue having sex and i have to sit there and listen to a doctor giving an opinion about my sex life.

"So where are we going?" I ask, trying to move the conversation away from involving my gynae because it always ends in a huge argument, he always says that i dont know anything about being pregnant so he doesnt want to take risks.

"We can go to limpopo, I've only been there on business, I've heart it's a nice place for a relaxed holiday away" he says, i nodd and smile. We finally drive into his parents house, so many cars though,this must be a big lunch "why is there so many cars though ?" I ask as he switches off the engine.

"Ma had a prayer meeting with the church ladies so i think it might have taken longer than usual, lets go" he's lying to me, when my husband is lying he looks at everything else but the person in front of him.

He walks over to my side and opens the door for me, we knock before my husband let's himself in, "surpise!" I'm shaken a bit but i calm myself down while looking around, "Thengi!" My sisters made it so they actually lied to me "Chomie!" Phelo and Mpumi are also here, along with Mpumi's fiance. Its actually just family with my 2 friends and also Phenyo's squad. "Happy birthday makoti" thats my mother in law pulling me into a hug "can we still her a bit" my friends say while pulling me upstairs.

"So you guys didnt think it would be fitting to at least hint me" i ask while we walk into one of the bedrooms "and ruin the surprise? Ha.a wena!" Thats Phelo for you. They help me change into a white short tunic dress, a jellow flower crown, yellow strappy sandals. "Whose idea was this?" I ask while they both struggle with tying my sandals.

"Its all your husband,we just got invites" I'm truly impressed and very grateful.

We walk out and only then do i notice that there's a theme, everyone is in yellow and white. I'm pulled towards the garden where there's a nice setting, there's a small stage with one white couch and behind the couch theres a huge board with yellow and white balloons on the boarders , it's written "happy birthday mommy to be" I'm led to the chair and i cannot help it, tears start flowing down, this is all too overwhelming.

My husband comes up to me, wipes my tears with his thumb before kissing me "happy birthday my angel" I smile in between my tears "now let me go and fetch your gift while i leave you ladies to enjoy" he kisses me once more before walking out with his brother and father. We havent really heard from Nkule and Maqawe in a while now, i wonder whats up.

Anyway, the party goes on and its like a mini baby launch/baby shower and birthday celebration. Everyone bought gifts for me as well as for pumpkin. The ladies even made me dance a bit. Now we're eating, we're having rice, grilled chicken, braai'd steak and salads. My husband is finally back with my gift.

He walks up to where I'm seated "here you go my love" he hands me a small box,now I'm nervous to open it because the last time i recieved a small box from my husband it had house keys inside so I'm worried about what might be inside this box today. "Open it!" He says with his proud smile. I unwrap the box with everyone looking at me attentively.

I open the box and wow i cannot believe my eyes, its car keys, not just any car but Mercedes-Benz car keys. I'm looking at him waiting for an explanation "follow me" he takes my hand into his,everyone else follows after us, on the other side where all the cars are parked. There's a car that is covered, "go ahead and unwrap your gifts maMazibuko" I'm in tears right now, i walk towards it and remove the cover and OH MY WORD a red GLE coupe 2020 model! I'm crying now, hysterically. "Phenyo?!" I look at him waiting for answers.

He just walks to me and gives me a hug, "happy 25th birthday my wife" words fail me, i just continue crying while everyone else comes closer to see the car. The number plate reads "Mrs M 1"  i look at my husband  "the number plate?" He smiles proudly "well this is the 1st of many" he plants a forehead kiss.

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