chapter 46

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*wedding o'clock*
I have been standing in front of this mirror for almost 10 minutes now, not only am i admiring the transformation that my designer, hairstylist and make up artist have done but also reflecting on the past couple of years, how i met my husband in the most random way, who would've thought that almost 3 years down the line I'll be all pampered up and ready to walk down the isle to marry the man of my dreams who i met initially as my manager.

I'm so grateful for how things turned out, i honestly used to dispise Mulalo, i used to hate him for not loving me the way that i deserve to be loved, i was broken when he left me, but today, If i had the chance, I'd thank him. If he was still in the picture, i probably would've rejected the cape town offer, i probably would've missed my chance at advancing my career and i definitely would've missed my chance at love- pure, unscripted, unconditional, vast, genuine love.

I'm looking at my reflection on this mirror and i honestly couldnt be happier, I look like a plus size doll. My face, my hair, my dress and most importantly the glow!. I'm dressed in a Cinderella design, slight off shoulder, ivory gold dress which has a sweetheart neckline but joined with white lace to create the sleeves and the slight off shoulder design, the sleeves are 3/4 length. My hair, an elegant, low natural afro bun which fits my vail perfectly and my dramatic self needed a crown to top off the Cinderella look.

Today i allowed my make up artist, Thando to do her job without any input from me. My facebeat is apparently called a "natural glam look". I decided to wear the locket that my dad bought for me with my mum's picture inside.

My heart breaks when i think about her, its every girl's dream to have her mum on her side through every miletone. My graduation, getting my second belt and now I'm about to marry the man of my dreams, soon I'll give birth to my first child, all these moments are times where i wish maMnisi was still alive. I can imagine how she'd ulelate and sing. Her beautiful innocent smile. Her apple eyes. I miss her everyday, but i know she is with me always in spirit.

"I love you and i miss you ma" i say while looking at her picture in the locket. My sister Thengi walks in "here's our beautiful bride" she walks over to me and notices the locket, "we all miss her" she says while rubbing my shoulder "but nana(what my mother used to call me) she is with you, always, she's also very proud of the woman you've turned out to be, strong and driven just like she raised you to be, now dont ruin your make up your man is waiting for you down the isle" she hugs me then we chuckle before she walks out.

My bridesmaids budge in with my dad following after them, "mamncane(aunty) we need to go, uncle Phenyo is getting impatient" thats Ayanda laughing as she says that. I just smile , "Chomiza you look great" Mpumi says as she fixes my dress, my dad walks over to me and smiles while she puts the vail over me. "It's time" my dad sheds a tear while he says this. "Let's do this!" I say trying to lighten up the mood before everyone starts crying.

The matrimonial is an outdoor setting but under a glass marque. There are peach as well as rose gold flowers decorating the place. My bouquet is also pink,peach and rose gold fresh flowers.

My page girl is Jess, Natasha's 5 year old. She walks in first in a fairy dress with her mother by her side as my maid of honour, then the girls all walk in there after. Dr Tumi starts singing "Someone like me", thats my que, its finally time to walk down the isle for the first and hopefully the last time. This is my favourite gospel song, and what better time than this to give glory to the one that deserves it most, God loved me at times where i couldnt even love myself and to top it all off he blessed me with a partner that loves me even in days where i feel that i am not worthy of love.

I'm overwhelmed by all the attention but inside I'm singing along to Dr tumi. I look up for the first time, my dad and i are now at the centre of the marque. My husband stands a bit far from us, he's wearing a black itailan slim fitted tuxedo. He's wiping tears away, now I'm also tearing up a bit.

We finally get to the alter where my dad officially hands me over. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered today to join Phenyo Mazibuko and Ntomb'Zinhle Mnisi in holy matrimony" the pastor says then goes on about explaining marriage as a covenant between myself, God and my husband.

"Do you, Phenyo Mazibuko take Ntomb'Zinhle Mnisi to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" I look at my husband expectantly.

Phenyo: "I Do!" It comes out as more of a shout then it is an exclamation then the guests laugh.

Pastor:"ntomb'Zinhle Mnisi do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" My husband winks at me and i chuckle a bit "i do"

Natasha and Jess bring the rings forward, the pastor blesses them "i will now let each of you speak your vows from the heart" he says handing Phenyo the ring first.

"Sthandwa sam, my rib, I'm so grateful to have met you at the time when i did, you came into my life and gave me a reason to wake up every morning, you changed my perspective on life, you introduced me to something that was foreign to me-true love. I knew nothing about love until the day i laid my eyes on you, in that moment i knew i had to make you mine because of the effect you had on me, and until this day i can proudly say, my love for you is nothing compared to how it was when i first saw you, my love for you grows each day, every moment when you smile,every moment when you pout your lips because you're upset about something, every moment when you raise your eyebrow because I've said something stupid ,i love you Zinhle, I loved you from the moment i first laid eyes on you and i vow to love you for as long i live, with this ring, i make a vow that I'll love you until my last days, that i will grow old with you, that I'll always be by your side and lastly that I'll by right by your side as we raise our soccer team together"

I am tearing up and laughing at the same time, the crowd joins in on the last part, his friends cheer him on for the last part of his vows. Its my turn now and I'm afraid that I'll cry.

"Mwelase wam, thank you, thank you for coming into my life at a time where i didnt believe in love, thank you for changing my perspective on love, thank you for showing me that I wasn't actually asking for too much, i was just asking for it at the wrong places. Babe eversince you came into my life I've been at my happiest, my heart has found a home in you Mwelase, I'm happy to call you mine, I'm happy to come home to your nagging and complaining, I'm happy to come home to your undercooked food or salty meals. I love you mwelase and I plan on growing old with you, thank you for choosing me and thank you for contantly standing by my side. My biggest cheerleader, my love, my best friend, my soulmate, my hearts keeper. With this ring, i promise to love you, i vow to respect you, i vow to never let anyone else take your place in my life. I thank God for you, when i look at you, i see God's grace personified, God's undying love for me in human form, he made you just like how i asked him to, you are my answered prayer. I love you babe"

I'm tearing up already and i know for a fact that Thando will kill me after this.

"By virtue of the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Mazibuko, you may kiss your bride." Phenyo doesn't even wait to be told twice. Already he has his hand on my lower neck and the kiss is short because we are respecting the elders.

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