chapter 31

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*2 years later*
Life has been blissful, I've never been happier, Phenyo has literally been my answered prayer, he has proved to me that i wasnt actually asking for too much, i was just asking from the wrong people. My honours graduation went well, I'm still considering doing my MBA although work has been hectic. At the end of my internship i was employed permanently as a financial manager for Mazibuko and son's but the Johannesburg division. I now get to work closer to home, I'm renting an apartment in midrand which is closer to work.

Mpumi and I rekindled our friendship and lately we hang out quite often, Phelo is living it up in cape town with his boyfriend. Mulalo tried reaching out a year ago and honestly if he came before i met Phenyo I'm sure i would've jumped for the opportunity to be with hin but Phenyo makes me so happy i cannot imagine my life without him. Although me moving to Johannesburg has put a bit of a strain on us because of the travelling. Cape town and Johannesburg are very far apart.

My sisters and i are closer than ever, we spend time a lot more now that I'm back, Thengi is expecting a baby boy, we are all so excited, i cannot wait to be an aunt again.

My dad has been trying to get my step mother and i to get along with all failed attempts but I'm just grateful that my relationship with him is still stronger than ever. It's my baby's birthday in a 3 days,he asked me to join him and his family in KZN for the weekend and i declined, i mean I'm still just a girlfriend i cannot keep spending time with his brother's wives as if I'm one of them. Eversince i declined the invite, he's been very cranky.

It's thursday today and I'm wrapping up before knocking off. My phone rings, it's Mpumi "chomiza, what's up for the evening, i mean ke long weekend" trust my friend to think about turning up even during the week. Well tomorrow is a public holiday but still. "Chomie i cant, i need to gift shop for Phenyo's birthday" we keep chatting and she tells me about her dramatic love life.

Aftet the call i pack my things and head home. When i get home i decide to call my grumpy boyfriend, "baby, i miss you" i say that as soon as he picks up, he sighs,"then come over for the weekend, I'll book you an evening flight right away, please sthandwa sam" i guess I'll have to ditch my sisters for tomorrow. "Alright let me get packing, I'll see you in the evening, send me the flight details" i mean hr sacrificed work for my birthday so this is the least i can do.

"Alright babe, see you later, i love you" he hung up. Well its march but then KZN weather is always warmer so i pack more dresses and skirts, i also add in one doek just in case I'm supposed to dress like a makoti. Its 5pm and my flight apprently leaves in an hour.

I uber to the airport then board. I land in durban at 8pm, a car is already there to drive me to the Mazibuko residence. I'm now standing outside the gate. "Babe, I'm outside" he doesnt say anything he hangs up and shortly after he walks out of the door looking yummy as usual in shorts and a vest.

"Munt'wam(my person)" he embraces me in his arms "i missed you" i say, "you smell great" i add, honestly he smells different or maybe its because i havent seen him in a while. We walk into the house and it seems everyone is here sitting around the dinning table.

"Sanbonani(greetings)" everyone responds and Sbusiso's wife comes up to me and gives me a hug before helping with my luggage to Phenyo's room. "I havent seen you in a while, ukahle(are you good)?" Thabile,sbu's wife asks, "I'm good sisi, thank you for asking" i smile "well your man has been grumpy all day hopefully he'll lighten up since you are here" we laugh as we walk down the stairs.

Dinner was nice, we ate then everyone bid farewell and headed off to their bedrooms. I left Phenyo with his father. I decide to take a shower while i wait for him, after that i get dressed in one of his T shirts then get into the covers. He walks in just as I'm about to doze off. "Usulele(asleep already)?" He asks while taking off his clothes, "no i was waiting for you" he smiles "well let me take a quick shower I'll be right back" he goes to the bathroom and i just sit there admiring the amazing interior design of this house, this bedroom on its own is big enough to be someone's living room.

He walks out of the bathroom butt naked and starts lotioning, he notices that I'm dumbstruck, he laughs "what?" In the whole 2 years 4 months I've spent with this man I've never seen him butt naked, I've only seen him in his underwear. I just decide to cover my face with the covers and he laughs even louder. He joins me in bed, and we cuddle up. "I missed you so much my love" he says pulling me closer to him, "babe, what's your take on marriage?" Well thats very random, "i think if both parties are ready then why not, especially emotionally and mentally because there's actually more to marriage than the glamorous wedding, its all about readiness" he kisses my forehead "you're wise for your age you know that?" I playfully it his chest and we laugh.

We spoke for the longest time, up until after midnightand i think i passed out while he was still talking...

The next morning i woke up and i was still in the arms of the man that i love, this feels great, God can this just last forever please. I'm starring at the sexiest most handsome man alive, Phenyo is everything a woman needs, from the physique to facial features but my favourite has to be his smile.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer" argh i thought he was asleep all along. "I thought you were asleep" i plant a kiss on his soft pink lips, he deepens the kiss and starts grabbing my butt, i pull back "we're in your parents house in case you forgot Mr Mazibuko" i try to pull out of his grip "so? Being in my parents house doesnt stop be from doing anything but since you're such a chicken, I'll behave" we laugh, he lets me go.

I take a shower and change into a floral maxi dress with flip flops, i tie my hair up into a puffy bun then walk downstairs. I find the wives already putting food on the table,now one thing about me, I'm lazy, and I'm definitely not the type to wake up at 5am its now 8 am. "Morning ladies, is there anything i can do to help" Thabile smiles at me and shakes her head while Nkule,Maqawe's wife responds "no madam, you can just sit and eat, judging by how that dress fits you, clearly thats all you do" that really broke my heart, everyone comes down for breakfast.

I sit next to Phenyo and we aay grace before we dig in, everyone is eating over a light conversation but i cannot eat, just now I'll be judged for having too much bacon on my plate because I'm fat. "MaMnisi, are you okay?" That's Phenyo's dad asking "yebo baba" i take a sip of my juice but honestly i cannot hold this in anymore, it hurts so i ask to be excused then i went to one of the bathrooms.

I'm such a softy i guess, i cried, maybe I'll never even fit in here, I'm not like them, I'm below their league. "Babe, i know you're in here,can i come in?" Phenyo on the other side of the door, crap the door doesnt have a key, he budges in and finds me sitting on the toilet seat crying he rushes to me "hey hey whats wrong? Babe?" He holds me in his embrace and i just cannot stop the tears.

"Mama khuluma nami(talk to me)" i cant bring myself to say it to i just keep crying until i feel better then wash my face and ask him to let it go "i cant let it go, someone messed with you and i wont let it slide like that" i guess i should just tell him, i tell him what happened and he walks out without even waiting for me to finish, as soon as i mentioned nkule's name he stormed out.

Suddenly theres commotion, coming here was a bad idea...

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