Chapter 12.1

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Sleep did not come easily. I tossed and turned all night, only to give up altogether when Avery grumbled at me in the early morning. I walked the temple halls instead, passing the monks on the stairs, heading for the top of the Temple, near the tiny shrine where I'd reconnected with Poe. I paused at the chest-high wall that protected the stairs from the steep drop down the cliff face. The sky was starting to brighten in the east and the birds were coming alive with song and chatter. The jungle was peaceful.

Soon, I would need to take everyone through to the other world, but after that? We needed to find the last Reinhardt necromancer. We needed to figure out what the hell Nathan was up to and stop him before he killed us all.

Overwhelmed didn't even begin to cover how I was feeling.

"I thought I would find you here."

I turned to find Poe climbing the last few stairs behind me. He'd changed into robes the same cut as those the monks of the Temple wore, but the color of his was different. A dark grey that was nearly black.

"Part of me doesn't want to leave," I admitted. "There's something about the Temple that's so soothing and peaceful."

"Well, I'm sure you'll be back soon," Poe said, coming to stand beside me.

"Why do you say that?"

He quickly outlined a conversation he had with John about his power and how he was connected to the pool deep in the mountain. "John will need to come back here quite often to help keep his power clean. If he doesn't, it could be very unhealthy for his mental health."

I stared over the jungle, taking in the view. I felt for John, but at least he was figuring things out. And it'd be the work of a moment to portal into the Temple now at least.

"Will you stay here, at the Temple?" I asked, suddenly worried Poe might not be here the next time I returned.

Poe reached over and gave my shoulder a squeeze. "Of course, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be here when you return."

Relief flooded through me and some of the tension that had kept me up all night disappeared. When Nathan killed Poe in the other world, it'd been so hard to lose him without the chance to say goodbye. But now? The thought of having to leave and not having another chance to see him even if I returned, was a sharp, painful grief all over again.

"What will you-"

A loud screech echoed down the stairway, making me wince.

Poe and I turned, only to find that we were still alone. This far up the Temple stairs, there were no other monks this early in the morning. The top of the stairs led to a dirt path that twisted through tufts of grass and large boulders, all the way to the mountain summit.

The screech came again, louder, and out of the tall grass near the path a black, raven-like bird tumbled free. It stood and shook out its wings, looking around like it was lost. The strangest thing about it, though, was its eyes were a bright, blood red.

"What is it?"

It shifted its gaze to focus on me and screeched again.

"A young demon," Poe said, with a wince. "Its nest must be further up the mountain somewhere."

I looked between the demon and Poe. "Should we do something? Like try and take it back-"

The demon launched itself into the air, flying without any grace whatsoever right at us. I put up an arm to wave it off. I hadn't yet seen a demon in the Half World that didn't try to kill me first.

Poe pushed my arm down and the demon came to land there, just as Poe used to in the other world. Glancing between him and the demon, I wasn't sure what to do. I held still as I could and reached toward it with my free hand, hoping to run my fingers along its dark feathers. It snapped out, clamping it's little beak on my index finger in a painful pinch.

"I think he likes you," Poe chuckled.

"I'm not sure the feeling is mutual."

The demon released my finger and let out a soft cheep as if it were trying to placate me.

"What am I supposed to do with it?"

Poe reached out and accomplished what I couldn't, running a finger along the silky looking feathers of the demon's back. "He's still very young, so he wouldn't be much help in a fight, but there's something to be said about the demons that come so easily to a Summoner's hand. Those tend to be bound closest to us. Like Hunter and his demon, Mai."

I studied the demon on my arm and felt like it was watching me just the same in turn. The bird's red eyes were eerie to focus on as if there was more than the average intelligence behind them.

"He reminds me of you," I said. Poe nodded.

The bird let out another ear-piercing screech and bit at my chest, catching my t-shirt. I held out my pendant before the bird ripped a hole in my shirt. It clasped the pendant in its beak and the wind sprang up around us, but instead of being sucked into the center stone of the pendant, the bird merely let go of it and hopped from my arm to my shoulder. His name came to my mind, just as all my other demons had, though.

"Well then, Vasco, I guess you're coming with me."

Vasco squawked and ruffled his wings as if to say that he was ready.

Poe laughed and patted my free shoulder. "Come, let's find the others and get everyone together. It's time you returned."

The morning flew by quickly. As much as I'd wanted to leave as soon as everyone was up, it took time to brief everyone of what had happened the night before. Then came the frenzy of packing and getting our group ready to travel back to our world.

It was just past midday when we'd finally gathered everyone and everything we needed in the courtyard.

"Please keep us informed," Mavi Zuise said. The old temple leader leaned heavily on a walking stick.

Amna handed me the last pack, and I took it from her with a nod of thanks. "Stay safe, and please return again to visit. You've made quite an impression on those of us here." Amna bowed low again, just as she had when she had greeted us when we arrived here.

"We will," I assured them, adjusting the pack on my back so it sat more comfortably on my shoulders. Vasco screeched in a disapproving manner, causing everyone nearby to wince. I was going to need to break him of that habit quickly.

A quick look around the courtyard and I found that my group was ready. Avery smiled at me from her spot next to Anissa and Tessa. John and Hunter stood with Benji and Kaylee. An immense sense of gratitude rose in me as I looked at my Family. The Reinhardts had nearly been wiped out years ago, and while there weren't many of us yet, we had each other. I glanced at Poe and he nodded in return.

"Guess it's time to go."

Turning to the open space, I opened the portal back to our world





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