Chapter 9.3

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I closed my eyes as John let loose another scream of pain that ripped through the room and my soul with raw agony.

"How long will this take?" I asked, looking over that Amna. She'd come out of the room shortly after the chanting started, trading places with the older monk who'd questioned us.

"As long as it does," Amneh said gravely. "You are welcome to wait here, near your friend. I can show you where you may bathe if any of you would like to wash the long journey from your skin while you wait."

Avery gave my hand a quick squeeze. "I like the idea of a bath."

"I'm not leaving," Hunter said quickly, with his hands wrapped tightly across his chest. He'd started to pace outside the archway, getting as close as he could to John, without actually being in the room with him.

"I'll send food and drink up here while you wait," Amna said before leading Avery out of the room.

I set my bag down out of the way, by the door that led out to the steps back down to the courtyard. How fast they had moved once we arrived. It gave me hope that maybe they could help John.

Looking over at Hunter, I felt the need to reassure him, but at the same time, I was at a loss for words. So much had happened in the short amount of time, there was so much to cover. Would he want a distraction at this point? Or would he rather be left alone?

Hunter finally sat down, his back to the wall right next to the archway. I took that as my chance and went to sit next to him. Faintly, through the very fabric that covered the opening, I could the monks chanting, the words almost lyrical, in a language that sounded like the one I used to summon the demons.

"He'll be okay, right?" Hunter asked me, still not focusing on anything.

I took a deep breath. "I'm sure he'll be fine one way or another in the end. John is strong, and I'm sure with our support, he'll be just fine."

Hunter nodded, pulling his knees up to rest his head on his arms crossed on top of them.

I sat there with him for a while, until my legs began to tingle with pins and needles, and the urge to move overcame me. Avery had returned by then, her hair loose and damp from her bath, and the food and drink that Amna promised had arrived as well.

Avery came over to me as I stood. "Anything?" she whispered.

Shaking my head, I stepped away from Hunter. " I need to stretch my legs."

"Want company?" she asked.

I thought about it, but, "No, I think I just need some time to clear my head. Sorry,"

She gave me a half-grin and reached for my hand. "Why apologize? It's okay to need space. There's a lot to figure out."

"Just didn't want you to think that I was avoiding you." Looking over her shoulder, I focused on Hunter's form. I couldn't tell if he'd gone to sleep hunched over or not, but he hadn't moved in a while. "He hasn't eaten anything."

"I'll take care of him," was all she had to say. Avery closed the short distance between us, brushing her lips against mine. "Go, clear your head. We'll be right here."

I stepped out into the corridor and glanced out the window for a moment at the top of the jungle. Dark clouds had gathered in the sky, blocking the sun. In the distance, a roll of thunder threatened with the likes of more.

Looking both ways down the corridor, I tried to decide which way would be the better. I chose to go right, further up the rough cut stairs, knowing that the other direction led back down to the courtyard.

Rain started to fall, a sudden, heavy pouring that drenched the earth below, creating a hazy mist that filled courtyard.

The murals painted along the wall on my right grew more intricate the higher I climbed. Eventually, the pictures began to gather depth as they'd been carved into the rock they'd been painted on.

I passed other doors and archways. Some open, some covered with thick fabric curtains. I continued on up the stairs, trying not to think of anything. Trying not to focus on my worry for John.

It was hard. It had been easy to reassure Hunter that he'd be fine. But even in my own heart, I felt like this was even more serious than we'd been led to believe. The way the monks had rushed John away as soon as they'd seen him? It made me fear for the outcome.

What if he couldn't get his power back? What would happen then? He'd lost his family and, over the summer, grown into a deep depression from it. And now to lose his power as well?

I could only hope that our support, as well as Hunter's, would get John through this challenge.

Coming to the end of the corridor, my only option was either to continue out into the rain on the open cliff face or to enter an open room to my right. I went right, not liking the idea of walking in the pouring rain.

The room was small, but more intricately decorated than any other I'd seen so far. The murals were not only carved but also painted and gilded with gold.

On the far end of the room, there was a fountain, the sound of the water falling from the head of a lion-like demon drowned out by the rain outside. There were lit candles, flowers, and food offerings all gathered around the fountain as if it were some sort of alter.

A flash of light and the quick crash of thunder after it shook the ground around me, stopping my heart for a split second in a moment of fright. THAT had been a close strike.

As the storm kicked up another notch outside and I tried to learn how to breathe again, I became aware of another presence in the room with me.

Another Summoner. My heart stopped again for a whole other reason. What I felt in the web of my essence, it was too much to hope, and yet...

I turned around quickly, and there in the doorway dressed in a monks robe, stood Poe.

"Hello, Ezra." 

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