Chapter 4.1

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I tightened the last screw and stepped back. Now for the test. Bending down, I removed the brick I'd placed to hold the back door open as I worked on it. This time, instead of slamming shut like it had all summer, the spring caught and it closed gently. Like it was supposed to do.

"That's right," I said, smiling. It was the little victories that kept me going some days.

Gathering up the tools, I thought I heard a car on the other side of the house. Avery opened the newly fixed screen door.

"Hunter's here, but he's alone. He's got your car." There was a thread of worry in her voice.

"What?" That didn't make sense.

I set the tools aside and followed Avery through the house. Hunter was coming in through the front door when we entered the foyer. He caught the door, pulling it shut behind him.

"Where's John?" I asked. The look on Hunter's face made the bottom fall out of my stomach.

"With his family." Hunter turned the keys to my car over in his hands, fidgeting with the keyring. "They caught up with us in the city and took him. It was my fault, he was trying to protect me."

A cold sensation rushed through me as my fingers curled into fists. "Damn it, I should have gone with him! I shouldn't have-"

"Stop," Avery said. She reached over, but her warm touch on my shoulder didn't do much to calm me. "You knew this could've happened at any time. They could've even shown up here."

"How'd it happen?" I demanded. "Tell me everything,"

He did, detailing how he and his father had gone out of the arboretum the back way and circled around to the parking lot, only to see John being escorted out the front. At the end, Hunter glanced down at his hands, then held my keys out as if he'd only just realized he still held them. I took them.

Turning, I closed my eyes and thought hard. What could we do?

"We've got to go after him," Hunter said. "Get him back."

I shook my head. "We can't."

We didn't have a clue as to where they would have taken him. And I was sure the warehouse I'd run into him at last year had long been moved since it was compromised. Even if we did find him, we didn't have-

"Why not?" Hunter insisted, grabbing my arm. "After all he's done to help you?"

"It's not about that!" I yelled, facing him. Taking a deep breath, I forced the anger down. I wasn't angry at Hunter. I didn't need to take it out on him. "It's about numbers. There's three of us. Three! Against how many Witches? Countless!" I paced, fighting to keep my head clear. "Even with my demons, it wouldn't be enough. Plus, I don't even know where to start looking. We can't go after him, it's not possible."

Hunter stared at me. "What if there were other Witches on our side? Other Witches like John."

I froze. "What other Witches?"

He glanced down. "When we got to the arboretum, John met my dad and they recognized each other. Apparently, my dad is a Witch, but he left the Coven like John did. Years ago."

Staring at him, I was having trouble thinking. It was too much. John was with his family again, and that meant he was in danger. Then there was Hunter's father, who just so happened to be another Witch?

"That's a scary coincidence," Avery said, crossing her arms over her chest.

I kept the 'no-shit' to myself. "How is this possible?"

Will of the Witch [Legacy, BK 2 - Completed]Where stories live. Discover now