Chapter 15.1

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My power spread from one plant to the next as it wove its way through the connected root system. Then, like a wave of death, the plants shriveled and fell, decayed and useless, to the earth in a spreading circle around me.


My father's scream echoed through the plastic enclosure.

"John!" Hunter's voice was a relief to hear. In my rush to grab the plants, I hadn't cared about the roar or what had pulled my Dad off me. Now, I could clearly see as I sat up, Mai, Hunter's panther-like demon growling over my father.

"Are you hurt?" Hunter knelt down in the dirt next to me, reaching to help me up.

Shaking my head, I took stock of myself. Besides the dirt on my hands and clothes, and the relative trauma of physically fighting my dad, I was fine. I still had the power Poe had given me. Still could feel the essence of the plants I'd killed.

In the skin of my hands, the dark designs appeared, the swirling patterns tracing their way up under the sleeves of my jacket and shirt, up my arms.

"No, I don't think so."

Hunter pulled me up to my feet, and I dusted the dirt from my hands.

"We're so going to talk about this later," Hunter said as we stepped on the dead plants over to my father, who'd found his way to his feet but not past Hunter's demon.

"You're not the summoner that took my son. How many summoners have we missed? Where have you been hiding?!"

Dad was crazed, his hair ruffled and out of place. His eyes were wide.

Hunter glanced at me in surprise.

"Yeah," I said, not taking my eyes off my father. This was such a great meet the parents moment, wasn't it?

Hunter whistled to Mai, calling her back from my Dad, to sit by me.

Dad moved back as well, until his back was against the thick plastic wall, getting to his feet with its flimsy support.

"How many?" He demanded again.

"Enough," Hunter said as Mai growled again. "There's enough of us."

Sounds of fighting came from outside.

"Are there more plants?" Hunter asked me, and I shrugged. "Not here, I don't think."

I turned to my dad, thinking of the files I'd seen in his office space. "Are there more plants?"

"If I did know, I wouldn't tell you. You are dead to me. No longer my son, a Witch of the Coven, I renounce you and cast you out."

Hearing the words was strangely freeing and not nearly as heartbreaking as I thought they should be. We weren't going to get any information from him. It wasn't worth trying, and I was done. The plants were destroyed, and if they had more, then I'll find them, track them down like just as I had with these.

"I was never a true Witch of the Coven. Let's go," I said to Hunter. "We're done here."

I turned my back on my father, knowing this would be the last time we spoke. I was orphaned by choosing a different path from my family, and there was nothing I could do about the loss of my parents or sisters.

But I had Hunter. I had Ezra and Avery. I had a family of my choosing. While they couldn't completely erase the ache of losing my birth family, I was looking forward to creating a new life with them.

I hadn't taken a full step when I felt my father's power surge. Twisting, I saw him lunge for Hunter's turned back with his flame engulfed hands. Panicking, I reached for my father, gripping his arm to pull him away as Mai let out a roar in warning. My power flared as my palm hit his skin.

Dad shuddered to a halt, his eyes turning a disbelieving look on me before they rolled up, and he collapsed to the ground.

I stared, frozen where I stood before dropping to the ground beside him. He was so still. I reached out to touch him, to look for a pulse, but I hesitated.

"Let me." Hunter was beside me, his fingers going for the pulse point on my father's neck.

Time seemed to stand still as the world spun around me, and I fought for a full breath.

Hunter sat back. Looking at m, he shook his head.

What had I done? 

Will of the Witch [Legacy, BK 2 - Completed]Where stories live. Discover now